
Why Customer Service Representative Jobs are in Demand

Customer service jobs have been predicted to have a 5% growth rate between 2016-2026 in countries across the world, this growth can be attributed to many factors that have lead to the high demand of customer service representatives in various sectors and organisations.


There is an arising need for more customer contact centres who in turn have been responsible for employing competent hands who can work as customer care representatives.

These centres are predicted to contribute a 36% growth to the employment of customer care representatives because many businesses are contracting out their customer service operations to these centres to handle inquires or complaints on behalf of their brand.

Before I tell you why customer care representatives are in high demand these days, lets quickly go over what their job entails.


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What Does A Customer Care Representative Do?

Most of their work involves interacting with customers on behalf of whichever organisation that they work with. All complaints and recommendations on the company’s products are usually forwarded through the customer care unit to the appropriate channel.

Due to the nature of their work, they might be required to have either an online or offline presence or both. The emergence of technology has made it such that customer care representatives do not need to meet face-to-face before listening to complaints from customers. Online channels include emails, chats and voice call.

However, the emergence of online alternatives does not override the need for certain customers to meet with customer care representatives physically as they may be required to provide some information and documents which are best provided in person.

Where can Customer Care representatives work

There is a place for customer care representatives in almost every industry with a varying job description based on where they work. some of the places where they work include banks, retail stores, insurance companies, telephone call centres and other organisations that interact with customers.

Work conditions can be either in an office setting or there could be a work from home option depending on your company policy about their employees.

Sometimes you may be given targets on the number of calls to receive daily and documentations to make which might put you under pressure during work hours. Learning how to cope with this would be good as you would have the capacity to deal with dissatisfied clients while still maintaining etiquette and composure required for your role.

Why Customer Service Representative Jobs are in Demand

There are lots of reasons why the role of customer service representatives continue to be in demand across all industries, in this article I would be sharing some important reasons for this demand.

Businesses are expanding

The increase in demand of their roles has been attributed to the expansion of businesses in various sectors which has lead to the need for more telephone call centres take up the responsibility of handling their customer service needs across all platforms.

Brand Appeal

Every business owner is in business to make a profit, as such they would invest in any area contributing to the increase in their sales or brand appeal to the public. The focus is now on customer service representatives because clients feel heard thereby increasing their confidence in the business and whatever product/service being offered to them.

Technology is Changing the Game

Gone are the days where you need to go physically to the office before your complaints are heard or worker on. In today’s world, there are many alternative options you can make use of in expressing your complaints or request to whatever organisation you would like to contact. There are now options for phone calls, emails, chatbots which are supervised by designated representatives.

There is a Need to Replace Exiting workers

All occupations are faced with retirement of their staff when they are at the retirement age, this vacancy is filled by employing more younger and vibrant candidates to replace employees who leave either due to retirement or new job placement.

The demand for more representatives has created a competitive environment in terms of financial earnings across different sectors, for example, representatives working in oil and gas or finance would typically earn more than their counterparts in other fields. As such you might also look to increase your earning potential by working in industries with higher pay for their employees or getting certifications that can be tendered for promotion within your present organisation.



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