
Software Engineering Job Description – What Are their Duties

The world is moving towards having a heavy online presence, what this means is that a lot of companies and organizations would be looking towards improving their applications, website, and online image. As a result there would be an increase in demand for software engineers who have knowledge in designing and testing applications and websites.



Job Profile For Software Engineers

Software engineers make use of their knowledge in engineering and mathematics to create programs and operating data for computers. They perform a large range of tasks due to their expertise and they work with system analysts, computer engineers and other IT-related professionals to gather information on designing systems and estimation of user interface experience.

Most times as a company grows there is a need to expand and introduce applications and websites where the audience can get questions to their answers within a given stipulated time. Software engineers provide consultation services to discuss design elements and supervise software installation.


You would need a strong knowledge of programming language, a proper understanding of mathematical and software models to carry out detailed work. The beauty of your job is that you can work in any industry due to the increase in demand for IT-related skills. Some areas that you can consider for specialization include:

  • Software design
  • Software development
  • Software testing
  • Software maintenance
  • Software requirements

Job Description Of Software Engineers

The daily schedule and responsibilities of software engineers depend largely on their position within an organization, some might;
  • Consult with prospective clients towards the execution of a project
  • Design programs and test its efficiency before being used
  • Assemble diagrams for a visual representation of software for presentation with existing and prospective clients
  • Writing code or supervising team of programmers
  • Fix issues that occur with programs that have been designed
  • Ensure that all applications designed runs smoothly and has a wonderful user experience.
  • Develop features that fix bugs or improve the quality of the application/website

What Skill Should I Have As A Software Engineer?

Some of the relevant skills required of you as a software engineer includes;

  •  Problem-solving skills
  • Good eye for details
  •  Programming language e.g Javascript, C++, SQL, Python
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Project management
  •  Teamwork
  • Time management and Positive mental attitude

Who Are The Employers Of Software Engineers?

An increase in demand for software engineers means that you can choose from any sector/industry/organization where you would like to work with some areas includes;

  • Military
  • Government agencies
  • Embassies
  • Aviation industry
  • Hospitality industry
  • Hospitals
  • Audit firms
  • Banks
  • NGO’s such as UNICEF, UN
  • Manufacturing Industries
  • Logistics companies
  • Small scale businesses
  • Transport Companies
  • Freelance Work e.t.c

What Steps Can I Take To Become A Software Engineer?

The presence of online platforms where you can learn at your own pace has made it possible for people with no background in IT to gain adequate skills required for a job in tech. Many people get into most tech jobs by demonstrating to prospective employers their skills from their portfolio.

However, with a bachelor’s degree, you can work in computer and information systems management and computer systems analysis while a master’s degree, years of experience, and getting more professional certifications would qualify you for senior and team lead positions.



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