Microbiologist Job Description – What Are their Duties

Carrying out research that leads to the improvement of human life, plants, and other animals involves a team of multi-disciplinary researchers, this is important for proper hypothesis testing and in making reasonable scientific conclusions. In most cases microbiologists often render their areas of expertise on any team they find themselves working with.

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Job Profile For Microbiologists

Microbiologists spend their time studying a lot of organisms and how they interact with their environment, some of the organisms include bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and parasitic organisms.

The work of microbiologists in identifying the characteristics of these organisms, their life span and other properties have been useful in the production of vaccines or the use of microorganisms in improving food and health.

Most of their work is conducted in laboratories which can either be in the academia or within research institutions and industries that employ microbiologists. your work schedule is usually between 9-5 except on certain occasions when you may be required to work overtime. Some areas of specialisation for microbiologists to consider include:

  • Baceteriology
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Industrial Microbiology
  • Mycology
  • Parasitology
  • Public Health Microbiology
  • Virology

Sample collection is also an important aspect of microbiology, the reason is that many of these microorganisms are found within the environment or even in harsh conditions. So it is important that you adhere to safety procedures and handle all specimens with care.

Job Description Of Microbiologists

The daily schedule and responsibilities of microbiologists include;
  • Planning and conducting multi-disciplinary research projects
  •  Carry out laboratory procedures to diagnose disease causing illnesses
  •  Supervise the work of interns and other laboratory technicians to ensure the accuracy of their results
  •  Prepare culture samples of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms for study
  •  Carry out the isolation and idententification of microorganisms found in the environment or on living organisms
  •  Publish result findings in peer-reviewed journals and attend conferences for more insight in your field
  •  Give recommendations and possible solutions to research institutes and organisations.

What Skill Should I Have As A Microbiologist?

Some of the relevant skills required of you as a microbiologist includes;

  • Analytical skills
  • The ability to interprete results gotten from culture samples
  •  Team work
  •  Communication skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  •  Observation skills

Who Are The Employers Of Microbiologists?

As a microbiologist, you would enjoy a wonderful career in any industry of your choice depending on your areas of interest. some of the places you can consider includes;

  • Government organizations
  • Manufacturing industries
  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies
  • Agricultural institutions
  • Hospitals
  • Research institutions
  • Non-Government agencies e.g WHO, UNICEF e.t.c
  • Universities (as an academic)

What Steps Can I Take To Become A Microbiologist?

Entry-level jobs usually require that you have a bachelor’s degree in microbiology or have taken microbiology related courses during your undergraduate degree.

Advanced jobs require that you have a master’s degree in microbiology with a focus on a specific area and relevant years of experience before being considered for a job either in the industry or research institutions. For those looking to carry out independent research and work as an academic, you would be required to have a doctorate degree from a reputable university.

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