
Counsellor Job Description – What Are their Duties

The world we live in today comes with a lot of demand and responsibility for each individual which can sometimes be overwhelming for us. In times like this, we need people who have empathy and can give us a shoulder to lean on while listening to our plight. Some people are lucky to have family and friends who can play this role perfectly in their lives, on the other hand, there are professionals who you can turn to if you do not feel comfortable talking to friends within your circle.



Job Profile For Counsellors

Counsellors usually create an enabling environment for their clients to facilitate them with opening up easily about their problems, they are meant to be safe heaven to anyone who seeks their help. Because Human needs are quite unique, a counsellor might be required to do a little understudy of an individuals background for a proper understanding of their situation. As a counsellor, it is not expected that you enforce advice on your clients rather you should give them the free will of choice while still letting them know their possible options. Areas of specialization for counselling includes;

  • School Counselling
  • Career Counselling
  • Mental Health Counselling
  • Marriage Counselling
  • Rehabilitation Counselling

 Job Description Of Counsellors

As a counsellor, your job description may be somewhat different from other professions because of the speciality involved in your profession, you may sometimes be required to have extra counselling sessions with clients after working hours or even on weekends. some of your daily activities would include;

  • Providing counselling sessions to clients
  • Working with other professionals to create awareness on different issues in the community
  • Maintaining Patient Confidentiality
  • Helping clients make better decisions by listening to them and making all options known to them
  • Make patients comfortable during counselling sessions

What Skill Makes A  Better Counsellor?

Some of the relevant skills which would make you effective in delivering quality service to your clients include;

  • Good communication skills
  • Working alongside team members
  • Paying attention to detail
  •  Good listening skills
  • Ability to make people comfortable around them

Who Are The Employers Of Counsellors?

In case you were wondering where your degree as a Counsellor would enable you to work in, here are some of the areas you can consider sending your applications to after graduation they include:

  • Hospitals
  • Secondary schools
  • Universities (as an academic)
  • Non-governmental organisations and charities

What Steps Can I Take To Become A Counsellor?

The field of counselling is quite liberal in that it is an interdisciplinary role making it easier to become a counsellor. Both art and science students can decide to pursue a career in counselling by studying either social science-related courses in the university such as Psychology, sociology or Guidance and counselling as an undergraduate degree. People from other fields looking to specialise in counselling can also do so by taking a post-graduate degree in any of the areas of specialisation which interests them.


Counselling requires that you are highly skilled at what you do because clients make life-changing decisions based on whatever they hear or listen to from you. It is very important that you put this into consideration when organising sessions for your prospective clients.




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