
Pentecost University College Scholarships 2019/2020

Pentecost University College (PUC) offers scholarships to students with a high level of need and good academic performance. The scholarships are available to all new and continuing Undergraduate students enrolled at PUC. The number and amount of scholarship awarded will be determined annually by the Scholarship Committee in consultation with the Donor(s). The award comprises the payment of Tuition Fees only.


Types of Scholarships

  1. Full Scholarship: covers 100% of Tuition Fees
  2. Half Scholarship: covers 50% of Tuition Fees
  3. Student Bursaries: any monetary award as determined by the Scholarship Committee
  4. 10% discount tuition fee for all Church of Pentecost Members (Student must provide evidence of church membership)


  • To provide scholarships to needy, but brilliant students to enable the individuals to pursue their Undergraduate programme.
  • To provide scholarships to talented student-athletes, exceptional leaders and innovators.

Pentecost University College Scholarships Eligibility

To qualify for the PUC Scholarship Award:

  1. Applicant should be a student at the time he/she applies for a scholarship (evident by his/her admission letter).
  2. Newly admitted students must possess an aggregate of 6-18 from their West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) or equivalent.
  3. Continuing students must have obtained a minimum of 3.00 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) at the time of application.
  4. Applicant should be a talented student with creative and innovative skills (must show evidence of innovation and creativity)
  5. Applicant should demonstrate an exceptional commitment to ethical leadership as an incoming or continuing student (show evidence of national and international awards)


All applicants should complete an application form. The following documents must be attached to the application form:

  1. A copy of an unconditional admission letter from the University College
  2. The applicant’s Result Slip or Transcript of previous studies
  3. A testimonial from the former school/ Letter from Mentor if a Continuing student
  4. Letter of recommendation from a Teacher or Counselor or Minister of Religion, and or Principal/Vice Principal of a reputable institution
  5. A brief explanation of why you should be awarded this scholarship (250 words maximum)
  6. Two recent Passport pictures (not older than 6 months)
  7. Birth Certificate/Baptismal Certificate/Affidavit
  8. Self-addressed envelope
  9. Copy of an Official pay slip or payroll record of parent/guardian or the applicant
  10. Copy of a Death Certificate or witness by a Religious leader
  11. Pensions letter of retired parent/guardians
  12. Copy of School, NHIS, Voter’s or National ID card
  • All forms must be sealed in an envelope and submitted to the Scholarship Coordinator’s office.
  • All certificates and related documents submitted must be certified by a recognized official or by the institution that issued the documents and must bear the official stamp and signature of the certifier.
  • Interested applicants are advised to apply before the beginning of the Academic Year (March to July) after they have received their admission letters.


  1. In awarding scholarships, the Scholarship Committee will look for applicants who have a strong need base and demonstrate very good intellectual skills.
  2. Applications will be received and reviewed at the beginning of each Academic Year.
  3. Shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews at a decided date by the Committee. The date for interviewing will be announced.
  4. The final selection will be announced after the interviewing process has been completed. The decisions of the Committee shall be final.
  5. Those nominated will be offered scholarships in writing and will be asked to accept or decline the offer also in writing within a 15 to 30 working day period.


  1. The maximum tenure of the scholarship is 4 years subject to the conditions of the student and availability of funds.
  2. This is also subject to review to ensure that beneficiaries maintain at least a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0.

Withdrawal of Scholarship

  1. Students who fail to obtain the minimum CGPA of 3.0 will have their awards withdrawn.
  2. Any disciplinary action meted against the beneficiary from the University will result in immediate withdrawal of the award.
  3. Upon deferment of programme, the scholarship will be withdrawn. A student who wishes to defer the course must comply with Section 37 of the University College’s Student Handbook.

General Conditions of Awards

The following conditions apply to all scholarship beneficiaries:

  1. Scholarship beneficiaries must follow the approved programmes and abide by the College`s rules, regulations and codes of conduct.
  2. Maintain full-time enrollment until completion of the undergraduate programme of study for which the scholarship is provided.
  3. Scholarship beneficiaries may not change their programme during the tenure of the scholarship.
  4. Maintain an acceptable level of academic standing (not below 3.0 CGPA).
  5. This award is only given once.

How to Apply for Pentecost University College Scholarships

Interested candidates should CLICK HERE to download the scholarship application form.


For more information, visit the Pentecost University College Scholarships.


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