11 Most Marketable Skills You Can Learn Online Today
Skill acquisition is very important in advancing your career. Thanks to many free tools and online courses. There are a lot of skills that you can learn online today for free. You can learn these skills to complement what you have already.
In fact, most of these skills are highly in demand which adds more value to your career or business. So, we’ll be showing you the best 11 most marketable skills you can learn online quickly.
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11 Most Marketable Skills You Can Learn Online Today
In learning some of these skills you don’t need any special qualification. All you have to do is to get it off your mind to learn. We’ll also be providing you with online resources where you can learn some of these courses for free.
1. Graphic Design.
One of the most in-demand skill today is graphic design. Most online marketing platform uses graphics to drive sales. By learning this skill, you’ll understand the fundamentals that make things attractive, clickable and more saleable.
There are a lot of online tools which you can use to learn graphic design. You could use software like Photoshop, Illustrator and others. But I will be introducing you to another tool called Canva. Anybody can use Canva to create graphics. All you need to do is sign up for free and start using the tool to create amazing designs.
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Learning SEO is the best thing that you can do for yourself. A lot of people are making a living writing for the internet and driving sales. In fact, SEO is the bedrock of every internet-based business. People are more likely to purchase from you if you appear relevant in an online search query than paying to drive traffic there.
Spend quality time to learn the art of SEO and you see yourself in the world of near-limitless traffic. Some big companies even hire SEO experts that help optimize their site to rank higher on a search result.
To get started, I recommend you enrol for a free online course by Google which teaches you everything that you need to be an expert in this field.
3. Coding.
There are over 3 million Apps on Google and Apple stores, and all these are being coded for by people. That’s not all, a lot of custom plugins are also sprouting up daily and all these are done by developers.
Coding is a major component of online business and one that has come to stay for a long while. You can embrace this amazing opportunity today and learn to code. Although there are a few online free resources, I strongly recommend you try your hand with Codeacademy.
4. Blogging.
Blogging has come to stay. Every company needs a blog and having the talent of generating unique contents plus the knowledge of SEO can take you very far.
Apart from working for a company, you can also start your own blog and make money from it. All you need is to be consistent and dedicated to your writing.
5. Copywriting.
Copywriting is one of the skills that you should learn today. Whether it’s writing blogs for companies to use as marketing material, restructuring existing blogs to increase their SEO, or even writing sales pages that serve as a digital salesman at all times of the day.
The skill of copywriting is definitely one that takes time to acquire, but it’s also one of the best skills you could learn. Use sites like Udemy and Lynda to sign up for an online course where you can learn the fundamentals involved in this highly lucrative skill.
6. Photography.
Photography skill is highly in demand today. To learn this skill, you have to understand everything there is to know about cameras, lenses, contextual settings and how to enhance the imagery itself using photo editing software.
You can use your photography skill to make money by creating stock images that you can sell on a variety of popular websites. Find a good online course to learn this skill, and be prepared to buy a good camera and practice taking as many photos as possible.
7. Web Development.
Web development is one of the most sorts after skill today. This is due to the need for businesses to have an online presence in order to drive more sales.
There are a lot of online resources where you can learn about web development. A wide range of companies needs help launching, updating or redesigning their sites. This is where your services will be needed the most.
The most popular sites to learn web development are Udemy and Lynda. Sign up for an online course where you can learn the fundamentals involved in web development.
8. Video Editing.
Another marketable skill that you can easily acquire online is video editing skill. Individuals, companies, and brands are always in need of people who can create, edit, publish, and sometimes manage their YouTube channels.
There are so many sites where you can learn the art of video editing using Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Lightroom. Sign up with Skillshare to get started. Here you will learn how to edit every kind of video, be it for YouTube, Instagram, and the rest.
And as AI technology improves, knowing about the latest tools for editing videos can help you stand out. If you learn to use features like an AI voice generator, an intelligent video stabilizer, and an automatic noise remover, you’ll be ready to meet your client’s needs.
9. Email Marketing.
Email marketing is one of the surest ways of making money on the internet today. It takes time to learn this profitable skill, however, in the long run, you stand to benefit the most. If you master the skill of email marketing and learn how to build an effective sales funnel, you can virtually skyrocket your sales and income.
Email marketing is a skill that can easily be learned online, but it’s also something that will require a significant amount of practice on your end to get it right.
10. UX Design.
This is one of the most marketable skills that you get out there. Many companies are focused on making their products intuitive and fun to use. This is where User experience (UX) designers come into play.
You can learn this skill by signing up on Lynda.com and Udemy.com for an introductory course to UX design.
11. Cloud Computing.
Cloud computing might not be the most popular skill out there, but it is one of the most valuable skills that you can get for your career. As the world rushes toward the cloud, companies are desperately searching for engineers who have the skills to accommodate this demand.
Sign up at Alison.com for a free introductory course to cloud computing. Then you can put Customer Management Software (CRM) expertise on your resume and be that much more marketable.