
Can I Use a Ghanaian Degree to Work Abroad?

Can I use a Ghanaian degree to work abroad? The answer is YES, however, there are several processes involved in getting a job abroad with a Ghanaian degree. A lot of Ghanaians, and other Africans are currently working abroad with degrees gotten from their local institutions.


Living abroad is a dream for many, but unless you have budgeted and saved enough to support yourself during your stay, you’re definitely going to need a job to sustain yourself abroad. Many are exploring the opportunity of getting a job abroad from their home country.

In addition to searching, applying, and getting a job abroad, you’ll also have to go through the rigorous process of visa application to obtain a permit to work in another country legally.



Can I Use a Ghanaian Degree to Work Abroad?

Yes, you can get a job abroad with your Ghanaian degree. However, you’ll need more than your degree to land your dream job abroad. Some profession require foreigners to take special professional exams before they can work get a job in the country.

Also, your subject area and level of expertise are also factors that will determine if you can get a job abroad. For instances, graduates with medical, nursing, engineering or IT-related degrees can easily get a job abroad from Ghana compared to graduates with a Law degree.

In fact, there are so many Ghanaians currently working in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, with their Ghanaian degree.

READ ALSO: Top 10 Easiest Countries to Get a Work Visa

Best Degrees to Get a Job Abroad

This list is not exclusive but these are the best degrees with the best chances of getting a job abroad.

  • Medicine and Surgery degree
  • Nursing degree
  • IT-Related degree
  • Engineering degree
  • Others

Can I Work in the UK with My Ghanaian Degree?

Yes, you can work in the UK with your Ghanaian degree. Graduates of medicine who wish to work in the UK will have to hold registration with a licence to practise in the UK. All you need to do is to apply for General Medica Council (GMC) registration. Prior to getting your license, you must have passed the PLAB test within the past two years.

Graduates of IT/Computer Science or Electrical Engineering does not necessarily have to write a test to get a jon in the UK. As a computer programmer or a software engineer, you just have to be good at your job.

READ ALSO: How to Get a Job in the UK From Ghana

No matter your course of study, you can get a job in the UK, however, you’ll need to check with the respective council to ascertain if your degree is recognized in the UK.

Can I Work in the US with My Ghanaian Degree?

Yes, you can work in the United States with your Ghanaian degree. Graduates of medicine who wish to work in the USA must have successfully complete and pass the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE).

Graduates of IT/Computer Science or Electrical Engineering does not necessarily have to write a test to get a jon in the USA. As a computer programmer or a software engineer, you just have to be good at your job.

READ ALSO: How to Get a Job in the US from Ghana

Graduates from other disciplines will have to check if there are other licensing requirements to work in the United States.

Other Countries That You Can Work With Your Ghanaian Degree

Some popular job destinations include:

  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Japan
  • Singapore
  • New Zealand

Popular Industries That You Can Find a Job Abroad

  • Tech & Software
  • Advertising
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Web Design and Development
  • Child Care
  • Health Care
  • Engineering & Construction
  • Marketing & Business
  • Research

How To Find a Job Abroad from Ghana

Below are some of the best ways to find a job abroad.

  • Networking
  • International companies hiring overseas positions
  • International job boards
  • Internship abroad
  • International recruiters


Getting a job abroad with a Ghanaian degree is not impossible. However, the process of applying and getting a job abroad can be tedious and financially demanding considering that you need to take some special licensure examination.


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