
WAEC Marking Scheme for Mathematics (2024)

A common question among candidates is how does WAEC mark their papers? Knowing how WAEC mark their papers is very important as it gives you a clue as to how to answer the questions.


In this article, we’ll show you how the West African Examination Council (WAEC) mathematics paper is being marked. That’s not all, we’ll show you the different sections of the exams and what it entails.


WAEC Mathematics Marking Scheme

The WAEC mathematics exams comprise of two sections – Papers 1 and 2 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be combined in a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.


PAPER 1: Will consist of fifty multiple-choice questions, all of which should be answered within 1 hour 30 minutes for 50 marks.

PAPER 2:  Will consist of two parts with a total of 15 questions. Candidates are to answer ten questions in all; all the questions in part 1 and five questions in part 2. The paper will last 2 hours 30 minutes and carry 100 marks.

How is WAEC Graded?

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) is graded based on percentage. Under the new WAEC grading system, the letters A to F are used to indicate how good a result it.

  • A1 = Excellent = 75% – 100% score
  • B2 = Very good =70% – 74% score
  • B3 = Good =65%- 69%
  • C4 =Credit =60% – 64%
  • C5 =Credit =55% – 59%
  • C6 =Credit =50% – 54%
  • D7 =Pass =45% – 49%
  • E8 =Pass =40% – 45%
  • F9 =Failure =0% – 44%


To score an A in Core Mathematics, you need to have a minimum score of 75% in the Exam. This means you need to score at least 75 per cent across all the two parts of the examination.

The greater your score the higher your grade. This explains how you are being graded in the Mathematics Exams.

RECOMMENDED: How to Pass WAEC Exams at One Sitting.

How Percentage Is Calculated

To determine the grade and percentage of candidates, all the scores across the two sections are added together. The sum is divided by the total score and multiplied by 100%.

Total Score Gotten             x     100
Total Score Available                  1

Example: Assuming the total available score in 150 and I was able to score 30 in part 1, 80 in part 2. That will sum up to 100. To calculate the percentage score?

(110÷150) x 100% = 73.3% = B2

NOTE: This is just an assumption score.

I believe this serves its purpose of understanding how WAEC Mathematics is being marked.



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