
12 Things To Do Before Your Job Interview

Congratulations you have landed a job interview! That is actually the first step that you require to land your dream job. But before you get to the venue of your interview, there are some essential things that you must do before your job interview.


The interview session offers you an opportunity to market yourself to your potential employer. It gives you room to tell them that you are the best candidate for the job, so you must prepare very well ahead of time.


Things To Do Before Your Job Interview

Preparation is key for any job interview. Below is the list of things that you should do before your job interview to help maximise your chance of success.


1. Research the Company.

Before you go for an interview, whether it’s a phone screen, in-person, group, panel, or virtual interview, it’s always a good idea to research the company before the interview. This gives you some background information about the company in question. Also, researching the company will show that you surely know how to do your homework. In case, you are asked, “what do you know about us?” you’ll have a solid answer.

2. Make Copies of Your Resume.

Before your job interview, make copies of your resume. It’s best you have a few extra copies on hand to give to the interviewer. They may be more than one person interviewing you as well, so it shows that you are considerate and prepared when you have extra copies readily available.

3. Review the Job Description.

You need to read and review the job description before your interview and focus on the things they mention. If the job description needs a candidate with a managerial skill, then make sure you speak to that.

A small statement like “Ability to manage a project team can become a topic of conversation. This will give you the opportunity to talk about how you did exactly that and adding an example of an important accomplishment and necessary skill.

4. Dress for Success.

Ensure to put on the appropriate outfit for your interview. Wash and iron the items that you would like to wear well in advance. It doesn’t make a good impression if you show up in inappropriate, or wrinkled, clothing.

5. Research the Competitive Salary Range.

You need to make a research about the competitive salary range for the position that you are applying for. In most cases, you might not make the same salary as your last job. You need to understand what other companies are paying for that position even before your interview. Otherwise, you risk pricing yourself out of the job, or worse, selling yourself short.

6. Prepare Your Questions

Usually, at the end of an interview, the employer will ask if you have any questions about the company or the position that you’re applying for. This is the ample opportunity to ask for more details about the company and the position. By asking multiple questions, it shows that you’re prepared, enthusiastic and committed to the role and the company.

7. Plan Your Journey

If you are leaving in a densely populated area or a place distant from the interview centre, it’s proper to spend time working out how you’ll get there. Look up public transport routes or find out where you can park in case you are driving. Also, put into considerations how long the journey will take.

8. Know What You Have to Offer.

Every employer wants to hire someone that has something to offer. You must know exactly what you bring to the table in terms of value. How are you going to be an asset to this company? What problems are you going to solve and how’ll you solve it better than other candidates? When you have a grasp of what you bring to the table, you won’t have a hard time selling yourself to the interviewer.

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9. Practice Your Delivery

Practice your interview delivery technique. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll be when you’re in the interview. This can make you feel calm, focused and confident. In fact, you should consider doing a mock interview with a friend before leaving for your interview.

10. Prepare Your References.

Think of three people who can act as a referee for you. You may be asked for references during the job interview. Ensure that you have your references prepared and printed out. Also, ensure that your references know that in case they are contacted by the interviewer.

11. Prepare for the Worst.

Sometimes bad things happen, even without you planning for it. It might start raining on that very day, there might be unusual traffic on a street that never has traffic, your shirt might rip off. While some of these things cannot be prevented, they can be proactively planned for.

12. Get a Good Night’s Sleep.

Finally, you need to have a good night rest. You don’t want to wake up feeling tired and fag out, so get some sleep. When you sleep well, your brain will be very active when you are fully awake in the morning.


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