
How to Obtain Student Loans in Japan as an International Student

Studying in Japan as an international student has many advantages. First, it gives you an opportunity to experience Japanese culture and language. Japan is a peaceful place with a serene environment and as such many people desire to have an education in japan. University ranking for most Japanese universities is also one of the best in the world with there being many options for scholarships and bursaries for students.


Read also: How to Obtain Student Loans  as an International Student in France


What are Student Loans?

Student Loans were created as a form of financial aid for students willing to pursue an education at the university level. With the ever-increasing cost for welfare, tuition and housing many students find themselves in one sort of financial need or the other. The availability of loans can sometimes help with paying the bills without having to drop out of your education.


Student Loans in Japan

Obtaining loans as an international student is quite possible if you would soon be a permanent resident or married to a Japanese citizen. This is because most banks are more comfortable knowing that you wouldn’t leave after your studies since you have ties with Japan.

What do I need to be eligible for Student Loans?

Institutions considering you for a loan would prefer that you;

  • On the path to permanent residency
  • Have a part-time job
  • Loan application form
  • Passport  photographs
  • Academic documents and Admission Letter
  • Account statements
  • A copy of your passport

Is there a Minimum Amount?

Having a part-time job can make you qualify for some loans which give 30% of your annual income. But the minimum amount is subject to change depending on the bank you visit.

How do I Repay Student Loans?

First of all, you should know that repaying loans most times would begin when you have a stable job however, you can start repaying your loans when you think you can afford to without going into debt.


Studying in Japan is a wonderful experience for many students however challenging it might be you should try out scholarship options before applying for a loan.


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