
NTC Begins Sensitization of Trainees and Tutors in Colleges on Licensing Procedures

The National Teaching Council (NTC) has begun a Sensitization Programme on the processes involved in acquiring License.


The programme is expected to take place in all Colleges of Education across the Country and each College has been assigned specific days.

All Teacher Trainees including the Tutors in the Colleges of Education across the country are expected to take part in the programme.

The programme, according to the NTC shall take place from the 27th May to 18th June 2019.


This sensitization is aimed at briefing the trainees and tutors on the processes involved in acquiring License.

Ghana Teacher License Guide and licensing and registration guide will also be made available to all Trainees by the NTC during the programme.

The  NTC requests the data of all existing Trainees in each College of Education in the Country.

Requirements for NTC Sensitization

The information needed is as follows;

Name of Trainee

Date of Birth of Trainee

ID Index Number of Trainee

Programme/Subject Specialization

Nature of Certificate to be Awarded (DBE or B.ED)

Entry qualification

Year of Entry

Mobile Phone Number of Trainee

All Trainees should download the document below to know the Schedule for the visits;


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