
Biomedical Engineer Job Description – What Are their Duties

The medical field continues to evolve and accommodates new professions almost every decade, this is because health care professionals are beginning to realise that they need the help of people from other fields in delivering a good and reliable healthcare system to patients worldwide. One such field includes biomedical engineering which has contributed a lot to the quality of life patients involve d in accidents, life-threatening surgeries can have after treatment.



Job Profile For Biomedical Engineers

Everything that a biomedical engineer does is centred around the improvement of health-related processes, they devote their time to studying how different designs can be appropriate for artificial organs, prosthetics and types of equipment used in hospitals. To work effectively as a biomedical engineer, you would need to have a basic understanding of;

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Biochemistry

during your under/postgraduate degree program. Having knowledge in these fields helps you understand how engineering can be used to improve human life.


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 Job Description Of Biomedical Engineers

The daily schedule of biomedical engineers includes;
  • Designing of Prosthetics, Artificial organs and types of equipment used in medicine
  • Providing services such as maintenance and installation of medical equipment that are purchased
  • Ascertain to the efficiency and safety of the equipment designed
  • Carry out training sessions, workshops to teach health caseworkers on proper handling and care of devices
  • Working alongside a research team on novel ideas.

What Skill Should I Have As A Biomedical Engineer?

Some of the relevant skills you should be deliberate about having as a biomedical engineer includes;

  • Analytical skills
  • Creativity
  • Maths and problem-solving skills
  • Presentation and Communication skills
  • Teamwork
  • Good eye for detail and observations
  • Ability to work for long hours and work well under pressure.

Who Are The Employers Of Biomedical Engineers?

In case you were wondering where your degree as biomedical engineering would enable you to work in, here are some of the areas you can consider sending your applications to after graduation they include:

  • Hospitals
  • Research Laboratories
  • Pharmaceutical Industries
  • Manufacturing Industries (of biomedical equipment)

What Steps Can I Take To Become A Biomedical Engineer?

First of all, you should have a flair for mathematics, physics and biological sciences as this would be useful throughout your career. You should also ensure that you study biomedical engineering either at the graduate or postgraduate level for a better understanding of the principles involved in this field. After fulfilling all of these, you can then look to applying for internship positions either in industries or hospitals for relevant work experience.


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