
10 Soft Skills Employers Are Looking For In Your CV

It is no doubt that in today’s world the chances of you getting your dream job is dependent on how much you invest in your technical skills and personal development.


Employers over the years have found a way to include soft skills as a pre-requisite for hiring new employees, take for instance when two job applicants have adequate technical skills and the knowledge required to handle the job, the candidate who can demonstrate to a good extent soft skills relevant to their organisation would be more preferred for the role.

Read Also: 7 Common CV Mistakes You Should Avoid



What Are Soft Skills?

Right now you might be wondering what the term Soft Skill is?

Well, Soft Skills are certain traits which are not learnt in the classroom but help with your ability to work, adapt and interact with people in a work environment. Most of the time they are either inborn or learnt as a result of the previous roles which you have worked in.

Unlike Technical Skills which are for specific industries and certain job descriptions, Soft skills emphasize natural abilities and emotional intelligence which are useful in all industries and job types. Therefore your resume must highlight your hard and soft skills in a complementary manner.

The List Below would give you an insight some of the skills which when included in your CV would increase your chances of being invited for an interview.

10 Soft Skills Employers Are Looking For In Your CV



Great communication skills often tell employers that you have a good command of both the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication. This is important because this shows your ability to make great presentations, explain important concepts to colleagues and customers who do not understand the technical language of your job.

2. Organization:

Your ability to demonstrate that you can plan and implement projects and tasks delegated to you with little or no supervision shows that you have a high level of concentration and can function properly when highly important and confidential tasks are given to you.

3. Teamwork:

Both small, medium and large scale businesses these days do not just want a skilled individual, they also want someone who understands that work might involve working with other people either in the same department or across departments. so you must be able to demonstrate your ability as a team player to your prospective employer.

4. Critical Thinking:

If you can show the ability to research and use available resources to understand and solve issues that are pressing then you would be an attractive candidate as every organisation wants to hire an employee who would be able to solve problems that might arise during their time with the organisation.

6. Social Skills:

Good social skills would come into play every day when interacting with people. You should demonstrate that you can handle yourself in all situations and can work with a wide variety of personalities you might come in contact with at work.

7. Creativity:

Creativity is an important soft skill which is quite useful when solving problems that might require you to think outside the box. most creatives are always able to show more approaches to solving problems or creating possible recommendations to arising issues.

8.Research Skills:

Having good research skills shows that you are skilled at analysing situations, examine these situations through different perspectives and can locate information which is hard to find or overlooked in the initial stage.

Having great research skills tells an employer that you would be good at problem-solving.

9.Strong Work Ethic:

Employers need to know that you as a prospective employee can take on initiatives, are reliable and can perform tasks assigned to you with little or minimal error. This is because no employer wants to go through the stress of correcting or recording losses due to your incompetence so improving your work ethic is something you should look into.

10.Emotional Intelligence:

Having a high level of Emotional Intelligence shows any employer that you can keep the emotions of both you and those around you in check. This shows the employer that they do not need to worry about you making harsh and irrelevant decisions on the days when you are having a bad day.


It is important that while trying to learn the technical skills required for your job description, you can also improve your soft skills through online courses and volunteering in organisations during vacations. Wishing you good luck in your next job application process.


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