Women Photograph Mentorship Program 2018/2019

Application for Women Photograph Mentorship Program 2018/2019 is ongoing. The Mentorship program will pair 22 industry leaders (11 photographers and 11 photo editors) with 22 early-career photojournalists over the course of a year. Mentors include editors from National Geographic, NPR, The Atlantic, and the San Francisco Chronicle, and award-winning photographers based on every (inhabited) continent.

Women Photograph Mentorship Program

Women Photograph is an initiative that launched in 2017 to elevate the voices of women* visual journalists. The private database includes more than 700 independent women documentary photographers based in 91 countries and is available privately to any commissioning editor or organization.




Jenn Ackerman
Sophia Nahli Allison
Laylah Amatullah Barrayn
Nina Berman
Lynn Johnson
Natalie Keyssar
Verónica Sanchis
Michaela Skovranova
Nichole Sobecki
Nicole Tung
Adriana Zehbrauskas


Kainaz Amaria, Vox
Kathryn Cook, ICRC
Nicole Frugé, San Francisco Chronicle
Emily Jan, The Atlantic
Jehan Jillani, National Geographic
Sue Morrow,  The Sacramento Bee
Danielle Scruggs, The Undefeated
Elaine To, Bloomberg
Thea Traff, The New Yorker
Bernadette Tuazon, CNN
Nicole Werbeck, NPR


  • Open to women and non-binary photographers
  • Applicants should have with less than five years of professional work experience
  • Applicants should be interested in long-term support.


For any questions, please contact hello@womenphotograph.com.

APPLY HERE: https://www.womenphotograph.com/mentorship-apply

OFFICIAL PAGE: https://www.womenphotograph.com/mentorship-1/


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