
WAEC Ghana Grading System

WAEC Ghana Grading System… West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) is the main exam that senior school candidates take to get entries in West Africa universities. The examination is conducted by a reputable examination body referred to as West Africa Examination Council (WAEC).WAEC Ghana Grading System


The WAEC greatly contribute to education in that it has funds contributed to support the needy candidates with good performance to pursue their dream careers in universities. It is also known for having a strong committee since it was established in 1952.

As earlier mentioned, WAEC result is one of the prerequisites for gaining admission into higher institutions across West Africa. On that note, we will be showing you the full WACE grading systems.

This guide is to enable the students to make a conscious effort that will guarantee them a good WAEC result and boost their chances of furthering their studies into the University level.


SEE ALSO: How WAEC Result Will Be Marked 2024.


WAEC Ghana Grading System 2024

Under the new WAEC grading system, A1 is Excellent, B2 Very Good, B3 Good, C4, C5 and C6 are interpreted as Credit, D7 and D8 are interpreted as Pass, while F9 is Fail.

A1 and B2 in the WASSCE means Excellent, B3 is B (Very Good), C4 is C (Good), C5 and C6 are D (Credit), D7 and E8 are E (Pass) and F9 is F (Fail).

WAEC Grading System and Interpretation (by Percentage)

Grade Definition
A1 Excellent 75% – 100%
B2 Very good 70% – 74%
B3 Good 65%- 69%
C4 Credit 60% – 64%
C5 Credit 55% – 59%
C6 Credit 50% – 54%
D7 Pass 45% – 49%
E8 Pass 40% – 44%
F9 Failure 0% – 39%

WASSCE Grading System / Interception


WAEC Grading and Interpretation in Percentage

GradeDefinitionInterpretation in Percentage
A1Excellent75 – 100
B2Very Good70 – 74
B3Good65 – 69
C4Credit60 – 64
C5Credit55 – 59
C6Credit50 – 54
D7Pass49 – 45
E8Pass40 – 44
F9Fail0 – 39




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    1. Check how you even spelt the ‘mass’……….
      Point of correction it’s ‘Mathematics’ for sure
      Please notice how you spell some common words

  1. if d7 is not allowed at the tertiary institution it shouldn’t appears on the certificate because people are suffering

  2. The grading system is baffling me so please i need the actual grading system for May/June 2019 Wascce

  3. pls waec i was told that the results will be out tommorow which is 24th July 2019 how truth is it?

  4. Please, Waec should be giving information about the result to update us.
    We are expecting better news to update us as to the exact date the result will be release.

  5. please check this grading definition well
    Grade Definition
    A1 Excellent 75% – 100%
    B2 Very good 70% – 74%
    B3 Good 65%- 69%
    C4 Credit 60% – 64%
    C5 Credit 55% – 59%
    C6 Credit 50% – 54%
    D7 Pass 45% – 49%
    E8 Pass 40% – 45%
    F9 Failure 0% – 44%

    Note F9 Failure 0% – 44% is not correct instead F9 Failure 0% – 39%

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