Universities Offering Mechanical Engineering in Ghana

In this guide, we’ll be looking at the list of universities offering mechanical engineering in Ghana. We’ll also look at career opportunities for mechanical engineering graduates in Ghana as well as the requirements of becoming a mechanical engineer in Ghana.

Mechanical engineering has always been the core of most engineering discipline. This discipline can be traced back to centuries. They’re often trained to handle design and construction of machines and their parts.

This alone has made mechanical engineering one of the highest paying engineering specialty in the world. You’ll find a mechanical engineer in almost every industry in the country.

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What is Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical engineering is the study, design, development, construction, and testing of mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines, and machines.

Mechanical engineering subjects include automobile engineering, manufacturing engineering, power plant engineering, thermal engineering, and mechatronics engineering, which is a combination of electrical, computer, and mechanical engineering.

What Do Mechanical Engineers Do?

Mechanical engineers generally work in offices but are sometimes called to the field, visiting worksites when a problem or piece of equipment needs their personal attention, and to oversee elements of construction. They work mostly in engineering services, research and development, and manufacturing.

Mechanical engineering has its roots in the industrial revolution with the advent of the steam engine, automated manufacturing, and the demands of railroad transportation requiring increasingly innovative and sophisticated engineering solutions.

Disciplines within mechanical engineering include but not limited to:

  • Acoustics
  • Aerospace
  • Automation
  • Automotive
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Biotechnology
  • Composites
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
  • Control Systems
  • Cyber Security
  • Design
  • Energy
  • Ergonomics
  • Human Health
  • Manufacturing and additive manufacturing
  • Mechanics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Production planning
  • Robotics
  • Structural analysis.

Entry Requirements for Mechanical Engineering


Credit Passes in THREE (3) Core Subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Integrated
Science and Credit passes in THREE (3) of the following Elective Subjects: Physics,
Mathematics and Chemistry.


FIVE (5) credits at O’ Level including English and Mathematics, plus,
EITHER Passes at A’ Level in: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Physics with an ‘O’ Level credit in Chemistry.


Passes at A’ Level in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry


Applicants must be 25 years at the time of submitting the Application.
EITHER Five (5) credits at the O’ Level including: English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.


WASSCE/SSSCE credits in THREE (3) Core Subjects (English Language, Mathematics and
Integrated Science), plus credits in THREE (3) Elective Subjects (Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry). For Programme e. Applicants must have at least THREE (3) years working experience.

Universities Offering Mechanical Engineering in Ghana

Below is the list of universities offering BSc in Mechanical Engineering in Ghana.

  • University of Mines and Technology
  • Ashesi University College Ghana
  • Accra Technical University
  • KAAF University College
  • Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • University for Development Studies
  • University of Energy and Natural Resources
  • Academic City University College

Importantly, some of these universities may offer the course as Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering. However, above is the list of all universities in Ghana that offers Mechanical Engineering.

If you feel, we have left out any school please let us know in the comment section.

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