
Some Study Tips Every Freshman Should Embrace

Are you about to have your first lecture in college? Or, have you already gone through your first semester and still have no idea about how things are going to turn out?


The reality is that the shift from high school to campus can be tiresome and challenging. For that reason, it is important to make plans, set goals, develop and implement strategies to come out of the first semester on top!

There are many things you need to consider to ensure studying is much less of a pain. Here are some quick tips every freshman should know to shape a solid academic career ultimately.



Find a Place Where Studying is Always a Pleasure

It’s highly crucial to have a place where all the distractions are gone, and it’s only you and your English essay, book report or a research paper. Make sure to settle somewhere you feel relaxed, focused and comfortable at the same time. For some it is the local café, for some, it is the library. Give preference to the spot you enjoy the most!

Always Remain Financially Literate

Money requires respect. Keep a record of all your expenditures and savings. Stop wasting your money as if you’ve got an unlimited bank account. Purchase your books and supplies only if you need those.

Consider renting things or taking them from the college library. It will save a lot of money and effort. What is more, you’ll be able to save regularly.

Use Your Planner

Do you have a planner? If not, start using one now! College schedule can get crazy with all the social life activities requiring your attention. A planner will help you to set up priorities and manage your time wisely.

Show Up Regularly

In most cases, to pass a class and get the desired score all you have to do is to…go to class on a regular basis. Students tend to easily skip classes, which they don’t find especially interesting, and it results in poor academic progress and frustration.

Just because your tutor doesn’t make Sociology or Fine Art class mandatory doesn’t mean that you can bail on it. The point is that for every other class that you skip you are wasting the money you spend on education. Besides, it makes it a lot harder to get the concepts that were taught in your absence.

Do Not Be Ashamed of Your Need for Help

There are dozens of resources like writing and tutoring centers that are available across the campuses, and you are welcome to approach each in case you need some academic help. These places have already proven to be very successful and helpful.

Time is Not Unlimited

Time management is one of the fundamental skills crucial for every student. Make sure to manage your time wisely between your classes, extra-curricular activities and a part-time job(s). Be disciplined no matter what subject it is that you have to study now. Take part in discussions. Take notes. Later, you will realize how wise that is actually!

Don’t Even Think to Cram

Oh, how tempting it is to put off all of your assignments and tasks until the last minute! However, the reality is that this habit will turn your academic routine into hell sooner than you may think. Good study habits come from regularity. It is important to study a little bit every day rather than trying to absorb tons of information the night before the exam.

There are various helpers like available online, where professionals can lend a helping hand for college students who got stuck. Nonetheless, it is better to set regular study sessions in order to ward off exhaustion and retain academic materials.

Bad Grades Happens

Everyone has fields of study that are hard for them. Sooner or later, a bad grade will spoil the idyll of your academic life, but don’t be discouraged by that! Instead of tearing out your hair because of a bad grade, approach your tutor and find out what you can do about that. Have him or her to explain to you why your grade is that low, and what you can do to fix it.

Stay Healthy

According to the numerous researches, regular workouts result in increased blood flow to the human brain that boosts sleep and mood. As a result, both stress and anxiety tend to reduce significantly. Thus, exercising a few hours three days a week will help you improve attentiveness and alertness that together facilitate the process of studying.

It is very important that together with regular physical exercises you should maintain an appropriate diet and get in bed at a decent hour.

So, we hope that you enjoy your college journey from the very first semester until the graduation party!


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