
Saïd Business School Diploma Scholarships 2020/2021 for Women – University of Oxford, UK

Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford, UK is offering scholarships to three outstanding females for the Oxford Diploma in Strategic Management Program.



Saïd Business School Diploma Scholarships

The aim of these scholarships is to support female candidates of merit and to encourage an increase in women considering senior leadership roles.

Saïd Business School Diploma Scholarships Eligibility

Scholarships are awarded to outstanding female candidates based on past academic and professional performance.


Value of Award

On each of the four diploma programmes we have:

  • One scholarship covering 50% of the programme fee
  • Two scholarships providing £5,000 towards the programme fee

How to Apply for Saïd Business School Diploma Scholarships

Tick the Women’s Scholarships box in the funding section of the diploma programme application form, and submit a supporting statement (200–400 words) with the programme application, addressing how you meet the scholarship selection criteria.

For more information, visit the Saïd Business School Diploma Scholarships.

Application Deadline: 19 October 2020.


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