
How to Obtain Student Loans in Belgium as an International Student

Belgium a country where its french, german and other flemish communities exist peacefully together. This is a study destination for students seeking international exposure and an opportunity to become bilingual in the process.


Rankings have shown that Belgium is a safe country with an affordable tuition rate and standard of living when compared to the other European countries.

Read Also: 15 Cheapest Universities in Europe for International Students



When Is A Student Loan Necessary?

The truth is that studying abroad can be overwhelming at times even when you think you have figured out your financial needs and planned your budgets.

There might be unforeseen circumstances that would require you to spend more than you initially planned to, in times like this you might require a type of aid to ease your burden and this is where student loans come in.

How Does Student Loan Work In Belgium?

Student loans with low-interest rates are available for citizens, there are also many grants that citizens can apply to aid their financial conditions while studying although some grants have specific requirements, studying in rural areas are cheaper in terms of expenses when compared to studying in cities.

There are many banks who have entered into agreements with some universities in order to make loans available to students.

What Would I Need To Obtain A Loan?

Depending on which university or banks which you have decided to seek information from, there are a few requirements you may be required to provide before you can access such loans they include;

  • Passport
  • Student I.D
  • Statement of accounts

Is there a Minimum Amount?

Some banks would like to know what your tuition fee breakdown is to be certain that there is no alteration in the price, while some would rather give out little loans for rent, tuition and other little expenses.

Most banks determine their repayment plan and interest rates independently, interest rates could sometimes be up to 9.2% with a repayment plan beginning 6months after studies.


As an international student in Belgium, you can consider taking a part-time job while studying or search for grants scholarships or teaching assistant positions available to international students in your school.


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