
NTC Begins Indexing of Teacher Trainees

The National Teaching Council (NTC) is indexing all the Trainee Teachers in the country.


The indexing entails the collection of the details of all trainees in the Colleges of Education to generate specific codes for them to easily access the website of NTC.

In this regard, the  NTC shall send SMS messages through the mobile number provided by trainees to their colleges.

The SMS bears their  Name, Code and a link to the  NTC website. Trainees are expected to open the link and fill in the necessary requirements as may be needed.


All prospective level 200 and 300 students will be required to scan their admission letters to complete the process.

Meanwhile, Trainees who cannot easily locate their admission letters can contact the College secretaries for new ones to complete the form.

All 2019 newly trained teachers will be required to scan the admission letter as part of the requirements or use the student identification card in place of the admission letter.

Also, a trainee who may not receive their messages should contact their College authorities to confirm whether their information has been sent to the NTC or contact their respective TTAG sector executives for further assistance.


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One Comment

  1. please i am much on the indexing of the 2019 trainees, when will the indexing start and how will one who is far away from his/her college receive such information if he/her information is not updated with his/hr college administration?

    please, i had a special problem with my phone number with my school. it has blocked.
    these are the current active ones: 0543029265/0558254439/0204369847

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