
MSc or MBA: Which One is Better After BSc?

Between MSc and MBA, which one is better after BSc? A lot of graduates are often confused between going for an MSc or MBA program. While the two of them are postgraduate courses, they both differ in so many ways.


Both MSc and MBA have comparative advantages over one another. However, whichever one you choose to go for solely depends on your career path. While an MBA gives you the breadth of knowledge an MSc gives you the depth of knowledge. So, you need to ask yourself if you want to be a generalist or a specialist in your field.

Before we highlight the differences between an MSc and MBA degree, let’s take a look at what each of them really means.



MSc Degree

A Master of Science (MSc) is a degree awarded at universities around the world for completion of graduate-level study. It takes about 1-2 years to complete an MSc program at the University.

The Masters of Science (MSc) degree focus on disciplines like Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Mathematics, Medicine & Health, and some Social Sciences, such as Finance, Psychology, Sociology, and others. In order to earn an M.Sc. degree, you normally have to write a scientific thesis.

MSc Entry Requirements

Admission requirements into an MSc program differ from one institution to another. However, below is the general entry requirements for most universities.

  • A four-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  • Entrance Exams
  • Transcript of academic qualifications

Importantly, you also need to understand that some universities have program-specific requirements that must be met by applicants.

MBA Degree

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a type of master’s degree which is designed to develop the skills required for careers in business and management. The value of the MBA, however, is not limited strictly to the business world. An MBA can also be useful for those pursuing a managerial career in the public sector, government, private industry, and other areas.

The MBA program concentrates on subjects such as accounting, economics, marketing and operations. In fact, the program deals with refining general management competencies with an emphasis on business skills. The program also allows participants to follow their own personal or professional interest.

MBA Entry Requirements

Admission requirements into an MBA program differ from one institution to another. However, below is the general entry requirements for most business schools.

  • A four-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  • A minimum of two to three years of work experience, depending on your responsibilities
  • Resume
  • Personal Statement
  • Two letters of professional recommendation

Which is Better Between MBA and MSc?

Both the MBA and MSc degree are both very important in today’s society. However, you need to know the one that fits into your career goals.

If your goal is to be an expert or specialist in your field – complete an MSc.

The MSc program covers courses specific to your intended profession. For example, the curriculum for a Master of Science in Marketing programme may include marketing-related courses such as Consumer Behaviour, Retail Marketing, Marketing Communications, Market Research or Service Marketing.

If your goal is to have a broad knowledge of the general approach to management – complete an MBA.

An MBA covers general business courses that prepare you to operate in or understand several managerial functions. This type of programme usually covers the following core courses in its curriculum – Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Organizational Behaviour, Project Management and Strategic Planning.

While both present valuable attributes to your intended career path, there is another dividing line between the two programmes – professional experience.

For an MBA, having a minimum amount of work experience under your belt is usually a non-negotiable requirement for acceptance into this type of programme.

For MSc. programmes, in contrast, new grads are welcomed and are often the primary target as they are in the pre-experience stage of life.


If you are considering an MBA or MSc after your BSc – these are just some general points to consider in your educational journey. In the end, you are making a very decisive choice between choosing professional masters and academic masters.


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