
MiDA Opens Internship Programmes For WiSTEM KNUST

An internship programme which seeks to build the technical and leadership skills of female students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) relevant for the job market and build up their confidence for public speaking is opened. The internship programme organised by the Millennium Development Authority (MiDA) is set to train and mentor women to help them pursue professional career in the power sector.


Dr. Cherub Antwi-Nsiah, Director of Gender and Social Inclusion Unit, MiDA, announced this at one of the WiSTEM meetings at the College of Science Auditorium, KNUST.  Elaborating further on the Ghana Power Compact Internship and Mentoring programme, she explained the programme would present interns with two months training which include seminars, orientations and practical lessons at the workplace to become familiar with the equipment and machinery applicable in the power sector.

Interns would also be trained on leadership capacity building, which entails personality types, leadership and communication skills and mentorship on personal and career development, she added.

Dr. Antwi-Nsiah said the ultimate goal of the Internship and mentorship programme is to train the interns to fit into the job market; mainly focusing on the standard every power-related organisation would seek to employ. She said officials of MiDA, mentoring institutions and the supervisors would monitor the progress of the interns through mid-term assessment.


In her welcome address, Professor Ibok Oduro, the Provost of College of Science, advised the ladies make use of the opportunity to improve on themselves. She thanked the MiDA officials for their initiative to train and mentor women.


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