Learn Africa Scholarships 2020/2021 for African Women
Applications are open for interested and suitably qualified African Women for Learn Africa Scholarships 2020/2021. Women for Africa Foundation opens applications for African women undergraduate and graduate students for scholarships at Spanish and Portuguese Universities.
Learn Africa Scholarships
After the success of previous programs, Women for Africa Foundation launches the third public edition of the scholarship program for African women students universities Learn Africa, thanks to which a hundred students have already enjoyed studies in Spanish universities.
This program, promoted by the Women for Africa Foundation, aims to promote the transfer of knowledge, exchange and training of African women undergraduate and graduate students through scholarships in Spanish universities that collaborate in this initiative. Thanks to these scholarships, the selected students can complement their university education in our country, and then invest what has been learned to benefit their communities, thus contributing to the progress of African societies.
The scholarships are funded mostly by the universities participating in the program – all of them, members of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) – and cover round trips, tuition and fees, accommodation and food, and medical insurance
Learn Africa Scholarships Eligibility
In general, any person who meets the following requirements:
- Be a woman and have the nationality of an African country.
- Be enrolled in an African university or have a university degree issued in an African country. For Postgraduate Scholarships, the Degree title is required. The required degree can vary depending on the requested scholarship (See details of each scholarship).
- Meet the specific requirements of each type of scholarship.
- Only one application per person
Value of Award:
- The scholarship includes one return ticket to-from the student’s country of origin, university fees, health insurance, accommodation and food.
- Cost coverage for other extra expenses, such as the cost of opening a bank account, transport in the city and pocket money, is not guaranteed.
- Responsibilities: Once the scholarship has been completed, they are committed to returning to their place of residence and to providing a report on their personal and academic experience – on the basis provided by the Women for Africa Foundation – so that an evaluation of the outcomes can be carried out and, if necessary, make changes in the scholarship program as appropriate. Likewise, The Foundation and the Spanish universities of destination may make full or partial use, on their website or in some of their publications, regarding the content of the report prepared by the scholarship holders after their stay in Spain. In this case, the Women for Africa Foundation may mention the author (s) of said content.
Duration of Program:
- The scholarships included in this call have a variable duration depending on the modality agreed with each of the host universities and the training program offered, comprising of periods ranging from short stays, as is the case of some research projects, or to four years for those aiming to Master and Doctorate.
- The majority of the scholarships that are offered in this program are for the 2020-2021 academic year.
How to Apply for Learn Africa Scholarships
To apply you will need the following documents:
- National identity document
- Picture
- Diploma / certificate / university degree (as required)
- Academic record
- Motivation letter + INFO
- Reference or recommendation letter/s + INFO
- Official language level accreditation if required + INFO
- Research project
- For scholarships where Spanish is the main language, a high command of the language is required. This high level of Spanish is to be proven by submitting an internationally recognised certificate or through a phone conversation.
- The student must be aware that she is expected to submit a copy of her university degree duly attested by her country’s ministry.
- The student must remember that certain administrative procedures require payment at her country of origin (visa, certificate/records ratification and translation, etc.)
A committee of experts will make a first evaluation of all the candidatures according to the following documents:
- CV
- Reference letter
- Motivation letterCarta personal de motivación
- Languages
- Research Project if required
The final selection will be agreed with each of the participating universities and the results will be published at the end of August on our website, in addition to being personally communicated to each of the selected candidates.
The decision will not be personally communicated to unsuccessful candidates.
Once the award of the scholarships has been published, the selected candidates will have seven working days to accept it. Failure to express acceptance within the established period implies resigning the scholarship and its reassignment to another applicant according to the order established on a reserve list.
Interested candidates who have met the above-listed criteria should CLICK HERE to apply.
For more information, visit Learn Africa Scholarships.
Application Deadline: 15th July 2020