
KNUST Online Course Registration Procedures for Freshmen

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) has opened for online course registration for the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year for newly admitted students. Per the provisional admission letter, freshmen are to report to school on Saturday, January 9, 2021.


KNUST Online Courses Registration Procedures

We recommend you use Google Chrome for the registration process.

1. Visit KNUST student portal via in your preferred browser.


Enter your USERNAME, PASSWORD and STUDENT ID to access the portal.

2. Navigate and click on COURSE REGISTRATION for semester registration. Ensure to read the instructions at the next step.  Proceed to Course Registration.

Please ensure to read the instructions at the next step.  Proceed to Course Registration.


3. Click on the “Register” Action link by any Elective Course you wish to add to register that elective course individually. Registered electives would also appear in the list on the right-hand side of your screen. To the upper right-hand side of your screen, you should see, a button that says “Delete All Registered Courses”. Please note, you are only to click this button, “Delete All Registered Courses” only if you have made an error otherwise.

Compulsory Courses for the Semester will be automatically selected for you by the System. Select your Department electives if any. You may select any Open Elective (VC’s Courses) to register if you so desire.


Do not panic when you see this pop-up. KNUST will open up the system in due time.

4. Click “Save and Print Registration Slip” to complete the registration button. On clicking the button, you are prompted for the Pop-up Settings for the Browser, please allow Pop-ups to enable you to print your slip.

5. On clicking the “Save and Print Registration Slip” the system automatically logs you out; complete.


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