
Top 10 HSE Certifications You Should Pursue Today

Professional certifications are one of the ways of growing in your career. If you’re looking to advance in the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) industry, pursuing a certification is a great way to grow your career.


Earning certification helps you stand out as a professional who wants to be a leader at work and distinguishes you as a high-performance candidate if you’re searching for a new job. When you gain certification, it opens you up to more career opportunities, including promotions and a higher salary.

Health and safety in the workplace is a crucial issue. Companies have to provide workers with a safe environment and employees must be aware of the basic rules that concern health care at work. Therefore, in this article, we’ll highlight the top HSE certifications with a lot of prospect for career growth.



What is HSE?

HSE is an acronym for Health, Safety, and Environment. It depicts regulations, methods, and processes that are needed to protect workers, the environment and the public from harm. All over the world, it is obligatory to create a safe environment for the employees. To do that, companies implement the HSE management system, which includes specific training of the workers.

Environmental Health and Safety

All employees, especially in factories and all manufacturing companies, are required to be given basic HSE training. Moreover, both employees and companies get various benefits of getting HSE. For example HSE:

  • Assures safe environment for the workers;
  • Improves the image and prestige of a company;
  • Eliminates the risks of fines;
  • Reduces money spending on health care;
  • Encourages employees to work for you;
  • Increases productivity and job satisfaction;
  • Improves the attitude to work and reduces the level of stress among employees.

In other words, if you provide your workers with decent working conditions and take care of their well-being, they become happier employees and that, in turn, increases their affection for the job they do.

Top 10 HSE Certifications

The Health Safety and Environment (HSE) certifications are in levels. In fact, the HSE certification concerns every industry and requires employers to complete the certification.

Basic HSE Courses

At first, pay attention to the general HSE training course, which includes the first two levels. Afterwards, you can try completing an Advanced course. All the first three levels are obligatory for the passing if you want to find a job in any industry.

If you specialize in a particular business, such as sea transportations, for example, you have to pick up some additional training as well. Thus, seafarers have to complete mandatory basic safety (STCW) training course.

For those looking for professional safety, there are Nebosh certificate, Nebosh oil, and gas diploma, IOSH working safely, IOSH managing safely or OSHA courses.

  • Health and Safety  level 1 certification
  • Health and Safety level 2 certification
  • Health and Safety level 3 certification
  • Advanced Health and Safety certification
  • Loss Prevention Certification
  • NEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC)
  • NEBOSH National Certificate
  • NEBOSH Construction Certificate
  • NEBOSH Oil and Gas Certificate
  • NEBOSH Diploma
  • IOSH Managing Safely Certificate
  • IOSH Working Safely Certificate
  • OHSAS 18001/ISO 45001 Occupational Health and safety lead auditors Certification.
  • Certified Safety Practitioner (CSP) Certificate.
  • Certified Safety and Health Manager (CSHM) Certificate, etc.

Health and Safety  level 1 Certification

This course is designed for employees in all working environments, including those who work in manufacturing, offices, retail, education, warehouses, construction, and factories. It is particularly useful to new workers who are required to take health and safety induction training at the start of their employment.

The course is designed to provide candidates with understanding the skills, principles and practices of workplace safety. This level provides a starting point from which more detailed training in level 2 can follow. This level is suitable for beginners and anyone in the workplace environment.

Health and Safety level 2 Certification

This Level 2 training course is suitable for workers of all abilities and is intended as a ‘foundation’ level course, designed to maintain learners’ health and safety knowledge.

It is particularly designed to help improve the workplace culture by enabling learners to understand the basic principles of risk assessment. The course is suitable for anyone in a work environment as it raises learners’ awareness of the concept of risk assessment.

Health and Safety level 3 Certification

This Level 3 Health and Safety in the Workplace course is suitable for all employers, managers and/or supervisors who have a responsibility for providing high health and safety standards in the workplace. This includes those who have responsibility for training employees, maintaining standards and enforcing a positive health and safety culture at work.

Advanced Health and Safety Certification

The Advanced Safety and Health certificate is designed for individuals looking to enter the field of occupational safety and health and for whom a professional certificate contributes to career advancement and professional recognition.

NEBOSH International General Certificate

This is the most popular international health and safety qualification which is essential for anyone wanting a successful career in health and safety.

The NEBOSH International Certificate focuses on the role of real-life health and safety professionals. It looks at the real, everyday risks that people encounter and how to manage them to help protect people and profits.

NEBOSH Construction Certificate

This certification is designed for people working in construction, civil engineering, utilities, facilities, broadcasting, property management and more. It is particularly suitable for managers, supervisors, principal designers and principal contractors who require the right level of skills and know-how to fulfil their health and safety responsibilities.

NEBOSH Oil and Gas Certificate

This qualification is for those working in the oil and gas (or related) industries, who need to gain a sound understanding of the principles of operational health and safety that apply in their specialist area.

For some, the International Oil and Gas Certificate can be an important step towards establishing a lifelong professional career in occupational health and safety. Some who take their International Oil and Gas Certificate progress on to one of our Diploma level qualifications.

IOSH Managing Safely Certificate

IOSH Managing Safely is a basic risk management health and safety certificate for employees. It enables organisations to demonstrate a commitment to health and safety standards based on best international practice which is important for the reputation of organisations.

IOSH Working Safely Certificate

IOSH Working Safely is a basic risk management health and safety certificate for employees. It enables people who work as part of a team to meet their responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace.


Pursuing a certification is a great way to strengthen your skills in a particular HSE field and stand out in your career. Individuals who hold certifications typically have more professional opportunities and earn a higher salary. Consider working toward gaining an HSE certification to help you do your job more effectively and excel in your career.


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