
How to Search and Get a Job Online

With the tough economic situation on ground, getting a job itself has become a full-time job, and it’s getting tougher by the day with an increasing population.


So, if you have been asking how and where can I find a job, well, there is one powerful tool at your disposal “the internet“. However, not everyone knows how to search and get a job online. But in this guide, we will show you how to use the internet to boost your chances of landing your dream job.

How to Search and Get a Job Online



How to Search and Get a Job Online

The internet space has provided a level playing ground when it comes to job hunting. Job seekers can now search for jobs across the country right from their home, so regional and local advantages are eliminated. Recent statistics show that online employment websites have more than 57 million unique visitors per month. So, the best way to find a job is via the internet.

Below are ways to make a successful job search online:

1. Networking

One of the quickest ways of getting a job is “Networking“. How do you use networking to get a job? All you have to do is to stay in touch with people you know and meet new people. Also, you must also let them know that you are in need of a job.

Result shows that you are five times likely to be employed if you are been referred by an employee than if you apply without knowing anyone. Employers prefer to hire someone known to a current employee than a complete stranger #FACT.

You can connect with your family and friends. You could also use industry related blogs and forums to talk to others in your field and to build contacts and network watching for opportunities.


2. LinkedIn

Of all the social media platforms, LinkedIn is currently the most powerful and effective for job search. LinkedIn also has job postings  (see the “jobs” link below the search bar at the top of every page). You could also join LinkedIn Groups and connect to the company profile pages of your target employers.

LinkedIn also avails you the opportunity of connecting with people who work at your target employers  (and who worked there in the past). You can also get notifications on job posting on employer/company pages which provide you with information about the company.

3. Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool in job hunting. However, if not properly used, social media could ruin opportunities for you too. Social media like LinkedIn is not optional for most professions and locations.


Build a reputation on social media about what you can offer. This proof may lead you to your next job without applications.

Also, look out for both Facebook and Twitter postings of your target employer. Many employers have Facebook pages for both marketing and recruiting. Recent statistics show that the number of job posting on Facebook is increasing.

Also, on Twitter, follow your target employer’s Twitter accounts and watch out for news and job openings too.

4. Sign up for Job Alerts

On most job posting websites, you can register to receive emails alerting you of new postings that meet your criteria, such as location or keyword. You could also tailor your job search to a niche job website. This completely narrows your job search to a particular specification.

Additionally, consider signing up for RSS feeds. RSS means really simple syndication, which allows you to receive content in an easy to read format. You can sign up for RSS feeds for postings from many job websites.

5. Employers

You could also get a job directly from an employer. How do you do this? Develop a list of target employers in your niche. Connect with them on their social media platforms to connect with their jobs.

For employers that are very active on social media, you familiarise yourself with the information you collected on their sites to interact with them.

6. Google

Google is a big tool in searching and getting a job online. Use your niche keyword, or type “jobs near me” into Google’s search bar. You will get different results for your query, all you have to do is to filter it and check out the one that best suit you.

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