
Government of Ghana Absorbs BECE 2020 Registration Fee for Public schools

The Government of Ghana absorbs BECE 2020 registration fee for all public schools.


Floating of the above-mentioned examination begins from 20th November 2019 and ends on 31st December 2019.

The fee per candidate is eighty-eight Ghana cedis (GHC88.00). The Government of Ghana intends to absorb the fees for candidates in public schools.

Please make this information available to all heads of private schools in your region.



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  1. Iam the SMC chairman of Woligum JHS, in the Kassena Nankana West district Upper East, i was told by the JHS candidate that they are asked to pay GHC12.00 each for the registration ( passport), i try reach the head but she told me he have no idea but late call me to confirmed that the District Official have given the order. i made a follow up to the District education Office but i did not meet the director and the Exam office in the office, i try finding out from HR but he said the exam officer is the right person that can give me correct information about the mater. i try reach other headteachers n the also confirmed the information. get further they told me the procedure is that , photographers should see parent to agree for an amount before. but questions now that; 1. have the GES official speak to the parents or the PTA/SMC before Charging thm? 2. how much is passports picture in market? 3. is photographer to print passport for them or no, 4. is head teachers not give responsibilitiess allowance from governmemt why the GHc2 each candidates given to them?
    We need the media to take up this information to get the solution before tomorrow tuesday 26/11/2019 that they coming to do that work. i m to speak . 0241477661/0205174445, AKANBELUM PETER , SMC CHAIRMAN, WOLIGUM JHS, MIRIGU.

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