
Ghana Prisons Service Salary Structure & Rank

Ghana Prisons Service Salary Structure and Ranks: See the Ghana Prisons Service Salary Structure according to their ranks. In this article, you will find how much personnel in Ghana Prisons Service, GPS earn per month.


The Ghana Prisons Service Salary just like every other para-military organization in the world has an organized chain of command.

The Ghana Prisons Service conducts its recruitment exercise on yearly basis, and as such a lot of search queries have been submitted with regards to Ghana Prisons Salary Structure and Scale.

Some of them include;

  • Ghana Prisons Service Salary Structure
  • GPS Salary Scale
  • GPS Monthly Salary
  • How much does Ghana Immigration Service pay their Staffs?
  • How much does Ghana Immigration Service Pay WASSCE Recruit
  • How much does Ghana Immigration Service Pay B.Sc Holder
  • What is the highest rank in the GPS

We will try as much as we can to address some of these queries in this article. However, before we go deeply into GIS salary structure, let’s find out more about Ghana Prisons Service Rank Structure…

See Also: Ghana Prisons Service (GPS) Recruitment – How to Apply.



As earlier mentioned, the Ghana Prisons Service has an organized chain of command. The list is graded from the most senior officer down to junior officer.

The rank system forms the backbone of the Ghana Prisons Service structure and it defines an officer’s role and degree of responsibility. Senior and subordinate officers have different rank systems. Broadly speaking, senior officers have more leadership duties. However, many Officers start off as subordinate officers, before gaining their commission.

Ranks of Superior Officers in Ghana Prisons Service

Officer Cadet

This is the rank held during initial officer training at the Prisons Officers Training School.



Assistant Supt. of Prisons

The first rank held on commissioning. It is normally held for up to 4 years. The job of the Assistant Superintendent of Prisons involves staff duties, supervision, custody, treatment, and training of inmates confined in a prison facility.

Deputy Supt. of Prisons

Deputy Superintendent of Prisons participates in the day-to-day operations of the prison. His participation involves, but is not limited to; booking and releasing offenders, maintaining the security of the facility, authorizing escorting of offenders within and /or outside the secure confines of the prison.

Superintendent of Prisons

The Superintendent of Prisons is responsible for the overall coordination and supervision of the activities, physical security of the facility, the rights, and welfare of inmates and coordination of rehabilitation services. Serve as Unit head at Headquarters or Second-In-Command in a Central Prison and act as Officer in Charge in the absence of the Chief Superintendent of Prisons.

Chief Superintendent of Prisons

The Superintendent of Prisons is responsible for the overall coordination and supervision of the activities, physical security of the facility, the rights, and welfare of inmates and coordination of rehabilitation services. Serve as Second in Command to Assistant Director of Prisons in a Central or Medium Security Prisons.

Assistant Director of Prisons

Shall act as the officer-in-charge of a Central Prison or Medium Security Prison. He shall be responsible for the implementation of the policy of the Ghana Prison Service pertaining to prison administration, the care and welfare of the prisoners and their proper training for rehabilitation in society.

Deputy Director of Prisons

The Deputy Director of Prisons is the head of the Prison Department in the assigned region and shall subject to such general or special orders as may be issued by the Director General of Prisons from time to time, exercise control and superintendence over all prisons in the region and is responsible for the internal management and economy of the Prisons under his authority.

Director of Prisons

Under the general supervision of the Director-General of Prisons, Responsibilities include analyzing and recommending action on stations requests, including budgets; identifying needs and priorities for consideration by the Director General of Prisons.


Deputy Director-General of Prisons

Under the general supervision of the Director-General of Prisons, Responsibilities include analyzing and recommending action on stations requests, including budgets; identifying needs and priorities for consideration by the Director General of Prisons.\


Director-General of Prisons

Subject to the provisions of Article 207(2) of the 1992 Constitution and any relevant laws, the Director General of Prisons shall be responsible for the operational control and administration of the Prisons Service. He shall be the head of the Ghana Prisons Service and responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the Prisons Service Council.

Other Ranks in Ghana Prisons Service

2nd Class Officer

On Completion of Recruit Training Course, all junior ranks start as 2nd Class Officers

Lance Corporal

Promotion to Lance Corporal may follow after 3 to 4 years as 2nd Class Officer. Work with the senior chief officer and Shift-in-Charge, in such areas as guarding the in and outside perimeter walls and vital installations, searches of vehicles and persons entering and exiting the prison and prisoner supervision.


Perform routine work involving the care and custody of offenders. Work involves the direct supervision of offender work groups in their daily assigned duties and the responsibility of preventing escapes and maintaining discipline while performing specific security duties in conformance with strict rules, regulations, and standard operating procedures.


Performs moderately complex work involving the care and custody of offenders. Work involves the direct supervision of offender work groups in their daily assigned duties including the responsibility of preventing escapes and maintaining discipline in conformance with strict rules, regulations, and standard operating procedures.

Assistant Chief Office

Perform highly complex work involving the care and custody of offenders. Work involves the direct supervision of offender work groups in their daily assigned duties including the responsibility of preventing escapes and maintaining discipline in conformance with strict rules, regulations, and standard operating procedures.

Chief Office

Assumes an advanced level of responsibility for the care and custody of assigned offenders through knowledge of and adherence to laws, rules, regulations, and standard operating procedures governing the Ghana Prison Service.


Senior Cheif Office

The Senior Chief Officer is the liaison between the subordinate officer corps and the superior officer corps of the prison. He shall be generally responsible for observance of all prescribed rules and orders; security, custody and discipline, supervision over care and welfare of prisoners; supervision over personnel matters, staff discipline, and staff welfare


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