Ghana Police Service Salary Structure & Rank
Ghana Police Service Salary Structure and Ranks: See the Ghana Police Service Salary Structure according to their ranks. In this article, you will find how much personnel in Ghana Police Service earn per month.
The Ghana Police Service Salary just like every other military organization in the world has an organized chain of command. They have the Senior officers and the Junior Officers.
The Ghana Police Service (GPS) conducts its recruitment exercise on yearly basis, and as such a lot of search queries have been submitted with regards to Ghana Police Service Salary Structure and Scale.
Some of them include;
- Ghana Police Service Salary Structure
- Ghana Police Service Salary Scale
- Ghana Police Service Monthly Salary
- How much does Ghana Police pay their Staffs?
- How much does Ghana Police Service Pay New Recruit With WASSCE
- How much does Ghana Police Service Pay B.Sc Holder
- What is the highest rank in the Ghana Police Service
We will look deeply into some of these queries in this article. However, before we go deeply into GPS salary structure, let’s find out more about Ghana Police Service Rank Structure.
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As earlier mentioned, the Ghana Police Service is divided into two categories, the Senior Officers, and Junior Officers.
See Also: Ghana Police Sercive Recruitment – How to Apply.
Ghana Police Service Ranks: Senior Officers
The highest rank in the Service is the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) and descends to an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) being the least rank within the Senior Officers schedule.
Badges Of Ghana Police Ranks
Inspector-General of Police (IGP) –The Star surrounded by laurel leaves surmounted by two eagles facing each other and one Star
Deputy Inspector-General of Police (D/IGP) – The Star surrounded by laurel leaves surmounted by two eagles facing each other
Commissioner of Police (COP) – The Star surrounded by laurel leaves surmounted by two Stars
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) – The Star surrounded by laurel leaves surmounted by one Star
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) – The Star surrounded by laurel leaves
Chief Superintendent of Police (C/Supt) – Two Eagles facing each other surmounted by one Star
Superintendent of Police (Supt) – Two eagles facing each other
Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) – Three Stars
Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) – Two Stars
Cadet Officer (CO) – One Star (personnel of this rank are not Senior Officers yet but are on Officer Corps training into becoming Senior Officers at the Police Academy.
Ghana Police Service Ranks: Junior Officers
Basically, ranking in the Police Service begins from Constable, after a satisfactory completion of a training programme in any of the police training schools across the country. The Constable rises through the ranks to the rank of a Chief Inspector of Police, being the highest rank in the Junior Officers’ Schedule.
Chief Inspector (C/Inspr) – Four white metal bars each mounted with the Black Star in the centre
Inspector (Inpr) – Three white metal bars each mounted with the Star in the centre
Regiment Sergeant Major (RSM) – The Ghana Coat of Arms in the form of a metal badge worn on both sleeves
District Sergeant Major (DSM) – The Star surrounded by laurel leaves in a form of a metal badge worn on the left sleeve
Sergeant (Sgt) – Three chevrons worn on both sleeves
Corporal (Cpl) – Two chevrons worn on both sleeves
Lance Corporal (L/Cpl) – One chevron worn on both sleeves
Constable – Nil
The Ghana Police Service structure is based solely on the level of your ranking in the service. That is the higher your rank, the higher your pay. The higher the rank, the higher the responsibility and your benefits.
Following the implementation of the Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS) in 2010, there has been an improvement in the salary of personnel of the Ghana Police Service
How Much Does Ghana Police Service Pay Newly Recruit?
Graduates from the university are placed in the Chief Inspector rank with a monthly payment of 1,400GHC.
On the other hand, recruit with WASSCE or SSCE are placed on the Constable rank with 700GHC as monthly salary.
However, there are some allowances and bonuses that are accrued to men and women of the Ghana Police Service. But this allowances is based on the rank and years of service. So the higher you climb the ladder of service, the bigger your take-home pay.
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