Ghana Education Service Ranks
The Ghana Education Service is under the supervision of the Ghana Ministry of Education. The Ghana Education Service Ranks is stipulated for the promotion of teachers in the Ghana education sector. This GES rank depends on the level of education and years of service. Below are the ranks of teachers in the Ghana education service.
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Ghana Education Service Ranks
Below are the ranks of teachers in Ghana education service in a descending order of supremacy from the superior to the least officer. Here are the various ranks in the Ghana Education Service in a descending order.
- Director General
- Deputy Director
- Assistant Director I
- Assistant Director II
- Principal Superintendent
- Senior Superintendent I
- Senior Superintendent II
- Superintendent II
- Superintendent I
- Teacher
Director-General of Ghana Education Service
The most senior rank in the Ghana Education Service is the Director-General rank. The rank is based on appointment upon recommendation of the GES council to serve for a term of four years by the President of Ghana. The DG of GES has special responsibilities to ensure that the policies of the education sector in the country are implemented.
They are also actively involved in the recruitment of new teachers to the service. They also serve as a channel of negotiations between the Government and the Ghana education service concerning pay structure in terms of salary increment and allowances.
Deputy Director General in Ghana Education Service
The Deputy Director-General in the Ghana Education Service is the second rank in the GES hierarchy. They are saddled with the responsibility of providing technical and administrative support to ensure achievement of the objectives of the Ghana Education Service.
They also coordinate the activities of other divisions while overseeing the functions of the Ghana Education Service directors.
Assistant Director I in GES
The Assistant Director I is in charge of tracking all the progress of policies prescribed by the Ministry of Education. An applicant must have at least three or more years of working experience as an assistant director II before being promoted to Assistant Director I.
Additionally. they must pass the Ghana Education Service promotion interviews held by the Ghana Education Service Council and must be a professional teacher in practice with the Ghana Education Service.
Assistant Director II rank in GES
The Assistant Director II rank in GES acts as an assistant to the Assistant Director I. They assume office when the Assistant Director I is away of unable to discharge their duties and responsibilities.
Assistant Director II officer in the GES must have served for three or more years as a principal superintendent in GES.
Principal Superintendent in GES
The Principal Superintendent is in charge of school districts within their region. They are also saddled with the responsibility of managing schools within their districts.
The Principal Superintendent must be a holder of a degree in any related field of study. They must have also served as a senior superintendent I for more than three years continuously. Additionally, they must pass through an interview conducted by the Public Service Commission with consultation with the Ghana Education Service Council.
Senior Superintendent I in GES
A Senior Superintendent I in GES must have at least three years or more of continued service to Ghana Education Service. They must have also served as Senior Superintendent II before being promoted to the current rank.
Senior Superintendent II in GES
A Senior Superintendent II officer in GES must have served three years and above continuously in the Ghana Education Service. They must have also served as Superintendent for close to two years or more.
Superintendent I in GES
A Superintendent I officer in GES must have served as a teacher for four or more years continuously for the Ghana Education Service. They must also be a registered and licensed member of Ghana’s Teacher Union.
Teacher Rank in GES
The GES Teachers are registered members of the Council with a certificate, diploma or degree qualification in a related field of study. Teachers must have passed a vetting process and interview conducted by the superintendent I and the board of the school to test their skills.