How to Apply and Get a Job in Germany from Ghana
As a Ghanaian, looking for jobs in Germany can be difficult especially if you are restricted to English-speaking jobs only. However, if you are qualified with a degree or vocational qualification, have work experience and can speak at least some German, you stand a good chance of getting a job in Germany, especially in certain sectors with German workers shortages.
This guide on how to apply and get a job in Germany from Ghana contains information on the current German job market, job vacancies, Germany work permits and where and how to find a job in Germany from Ghana.
Germany has the largest economy in Europe and the fifth largest in the world, so there are plenty of jobs in Germany for foreigners with specialist skills, although casual work is also fairly easy to come by. It is also possible to find English-speaking jobs in Germany, although in most cases even a small amount of German will be required.
When searching for a job in Germany, you need to be flexible. If you can’t find your ideal job at first, look at what other jobs in Germany are on offer and consider taking something else to get your grounds.
If you are looking for a job in Germany from Ghana, here is a guide on what you need to get started on your Germany job search, including advice on what jobs are available and where to start your German job search from.
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Work in Germany From Ghana
Germany Job Market
Germany has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the European Union, reaching a record low of 5.8 percent in recent years. In some parts of Southern Germany, such as Bavaria, the unemployment rate is significantly lower.
A study by the German Federal Institution for Population Research showed that a third of non-EU migrants in Germany in 2010/2011 found work within 12 months, although this situation has significantly changed following Germany’s refugee influx since 2015. However, if you are well qualified – with a university degree or a vocational qualification such as an apprenticeship – and have work experience and a basic knowledge of German, there are much higher chances of finding a job in Germany, where such qualities are valued.
Available Jobs in Germany
The major industries in Germany with a lot of employment potentials include engineering, IT, health, social work and certain manufacturing positions. Professionals with vocational qualifications are also in demand in certain fields. With an increasingly older population, workers in the geriatric, health, and nursing professions are also in short supply. English teaching, casual work, and hospitality jobs are also available.
There are several large international firms in Germany, such as Adidas, BMW, MAN, Siemens, Volkswagen, Daimler, and Eon. However, the prevalence of small and medium-sized businesses is a key feature in the German economy, with more than 90 percent of German companies being SMEs and accounting for two-thirds of jobs.
Click here to see the up-to-date official list of shortage jobs in Germany.
How to Search for Jobs in Germany from Ghana
The question now is where can I find a job in Germany from Ghana. Well, they are a number of places both online and offline where you can get a German job in Ghana.
Public German Job Websites
The Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, BA ), the largest provider of labor market services in Germany, has a network of over 700 agencies and offices around the country. Its International Placement Service (ZAV) has information about work opportunities, including casual work. You can also post your profile on their job portal – as well as your qualifications and career highlights, you can say what kind of post you’re looking for within which type of company.
You can email them or call +49 (0)30 1815 1111 for advice. Check the Agency’s page for skilled workers in shortage occupation jobs.
Job websites in Germany
Jobs in Germany are often advertised on German job and recruitment websites (Jobbörsen), with some specializing in certain industries or focused on jobs in Germany for foreigners.
English-speaking jobs in Germany
- Craigslist – casual and out-of-the-ordinary jobs, including some English-speaking jobs in Germany
- English jobs
- The Local
- Toplanguage jobs– English-speaking jobs in Germany (and other languages)
- Academics – academic and research jobs
- Jobware – management, and specialist
- Staufenbiel – internships and graduate jobs
- Stepstone – includes internships and graduate positions
Recruitment agencies in Germany
Look in the German Yellow Pages (Gelbe Seiten) under Arbeitsvermittlung for agencies. They’ll be reputable if they are members of the Federal Employer’s Association of Personnel Service Providers or Bundesarbeitgeberverband der Personaldienstleister (BAP). Before you sign on, check whether a company which will look for a job on your behalf will charge you a fee for doing so – some may ask for a hefty fee of up to EUR 2,000. You will find several international recruitment agencies operating in Germany, many of which list specialist jobs for foreigners.
Teaching English in Germany
There are lots of opportunities for native English speakers to teach English in Germany: school children, older students in language schools, private tutoring, as well as teaching professional English to the staff of international companies. You’ll need to have a degree and experience as well as a TEFL qualification.
German Jobs in Newspapers
For highly qualified or academic jobs at national levels, buy copies of the Saturday editions of national newspapers or look online: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Suddeutsche Zeiting (Munich and the south),Die Welt, Handelsblatt (Düsseldorf), Frankfurter Rundshau, BerlinOnline, and Berliner Zeitung.
Company Websites
Some international companies will advertise on their company websites in both English and German. Vacancies are usually listed under Stellenangebote, Karriere or Vakanzen.
Top German companies include Adidas, Aldi, BASF, Bayer, BMW, Bosch, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, E.ON, Lidl, Merck, SAP, Siemens, and Volkswagen. But don’t forget the plethora of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) that are an important part of the German economy, so check out those in your field. You can find all companies in Germany via the government’s company register (in English).
Embassies and Consulates
Look out for vacancies at the German embassy in Accra Ghana. Whatever the job you are sure to need a high standard of spoken and written German.
For many Germans, networking is something done between friends or close colleagues, so while you can try making contacts (and therefore a job) through professional organizations and conferences don’t bank on it. LinkedIn’s Germany Business and Professional Network has job adverts. Alternatively, link up with like-minded expats through Meetup groups or form your own; you never know who you might meet and where it might lead.
Speculative Job Applications
It’s totally acceptable to approach German companies with speculative applications but make sure that you do your homework thoroughly and ensure your qualifications and experience are exactly what the company is looking for.
How to Apply for a job in Germany From Ghana
Once you have found a job in Germany you are qualified for, apply for it. You will need to prepare your application according to German expectations. In Germany, this often means putting together an application file containing your CV, copies of your educational certificates and employer testimonials and even samples of your work, if appropriate.
You’ll also need to write a cover letter to go with your application file. Plus, if you get through to the interview stage, you’ll need to know what to expect in a German job interview, and what to do – and not to do – during the interview.
READ ALSO: 5 Tips to Help You Get a Job Abroad From Ghana.
Languages Requirements to Work in Germany
While you may find English-speaking jobs in Germany, you’ll need to be able to speak at least some German to get a job. Even if the job requires you to teach English, you still need to have a command of German. To brush off your language skills, it is recommended to enroll in a language school either in Ghana.
Qualifications to Work in Germany
There are around 60 regulated professions in Germany, including teachers, doctors, and opticians. If you fall into any of the categories, you’ll need to get your qualification recognized by relevant German authority or professional association before you can work in Germany.
How do you do this? Check out your occupation on Recognition in Germany and find out how to get it recognized. Contact the Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentrale Stelle für die Bewertung ausländischer Qualifikationen, ZAB) to get a foreign university degree verified.
German Work Visas and Permits
As a Ghana citizen, you will need to apply for a German work visa before you can work in Germany. Whether or not you are able to get a residence permit will depend on your qualifications and the sector you want to work in. It may be hard to get a residence permit to work in Germany, but it is not worth be`ing tempted to work in Germany illegally.
Once you have been offered a job by your prospective employer, they will apply for authorization in order for you to work in Germany.
Salary of Workers in Germany
In Germany, the average working week is just over 38 hours, with a minimum of 18 days holiday a year.
As at 2018, the minimum wage in Germany was €8.84 per hour or around €1,498 per month. This figure is the same as that in 2017, with the next wage review likely to be in January 2019.
The federal minimum wage applies to almost all employees, including foreign workers, part-time workers, interns (under certain conditions) and people working through a probationary period. Overtime must also be paid at the same level unless it is instead used as time ‘in lieu’ that can be taken off at a later date.
Contract and temporary workers in Germany have different minimum wage levels. In April 2018, the wage increased to €9.47 an hour in western Germany and €9.27 an hour in eastern Germany.