
Educational Management vs Guidance and Counselling: Which One is Better?

Education begins for a child right from the day he/she was born until they become adults. Even when one becomes an adult, we never really stop learning, we continue to pay attention to our environments and people around us for knowledge in areas we are lacking.


There are many people who contribute to making the schools, universities, and colleges of education safe for children during their learning phase they are teachers, counselors, and educational managers. Although they work in similar environments, their job description and responsibilities are somewhat different. In this article, I would explain what makes them different.


What is Guidance and Counselling?

Guidance and Counselling is the field of study that trains people with skills required to help others make better decisions as regards their situation. As a counselor, people look up to you as one who has the answers to their questions.


Therefore to become an effective Counsellor, It is important that you carry out therapies or counseling based on the codes of conduct guiding your practice in each country.

Counselors are often required to have great communication skills, be accessible, respect client-patient confidentiality, and be open to putting in extra work for the benefit of their patients. They sometimes have to conduct background checks on their client’s family history for a better understanding of their patient.

What is Educational Management?

Educational management is a field that deals with managing educational institutions from primary until the tertiary level. Sometimes educational managers work both in private, public, and governmental agencies to develop educational policies, conduct research to access the efficiency of the educational methods in the country, and also proffer solutions to pressing issues within the educational system.

Most people who work professionally as educational managers usually have at least a master’s degree and are members of educational organizations in their country.

Due to the nature of their job, educational managers need to demonstrate leadership skills, be critical thinkers, problem solvers and have great communication skills with both colleagues, parents, and children.

Career Opportunities for Guidance and Counselling Graduates

As a counselor, your areas of expertise is required in the following areas:

  • Hospitals: Counsellors with a degree in psychology also work alongside doctors and other healthcare professionals to provide to the needs of patients within their facility.
  • Schools: All schools from primary to tertiary level engage counselors to encourage and walk their students through stages in their lives where they feel overwhelmed or the need to make life-changing decisions.
  •  Marriage and private practice: There are lots of counselors who carry out private practice to counsel couples who are going through tough times or are on the verge of a divorce. Counselors who engage in private practice most times charge per hour depending on what works best for them.
  • Community Counsellors: Community counselors often work within government organizations and NGO’s to counsel juveniles who have criminal records or have issues with drug and alcohol abuse before they are reintegrated into the society.
  •  Geriatric Counsellor: Geriatric counselors usually offer services to elder people in society, they often work with geriatric clinics to ensure that the elderly ones feel comfortable at all times.

Career Opportunities for Educational Management Graduates

As an educational manager, your areas of expertise is required in the following areas:

  • Education Administrator: they help in the planning of curriculums and school calendars in either the private or public sector where they work. they also give advice to the school management on some activities one can implement to enhance learning in their school.
  • Principal: Principals typically oversee the administrative aspects of secondary schools. they ensure that teachers deliver lectures to students within stipulated time frames. They also promote good relations between the school and parents
  •  Education Officer: education officers work with the state and federal ministry of education in creating new policies, checking if schools are operating with the state and federal rules, and they also oversee how general examinations are conducted within the country.
  • Registrar: Registrars in tertiary institutions are involved in handling student records and information. people who hold this position are required to hold a Ph.D. and in some cases have relevant years of experience.

Educational Management Vs. Guidance and Counselling Which is Better?

Guidance and counseling focus on the well being of students or individuals who need their services, while educational management is more interested in making educational institutions safer and more efficient for students.

Because of this we can’t say one is better than the other because they both work together with their skills to make schools safer for children.


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