
Top 10 Easiest Countries to Get a Work Visa

If you’re thinking of working overseas, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 easiest countries to get a work visa. Due to changes in many countries immigration policies, getting a work visa now is getting even tougher. This is partly due to the fact that many countries prioritize their own citizens and place limits on the roles available to foreigners.


However, there are two major ways you need to take in order to increase your chances of getting a job abroad. The first is if you have training in the field of any STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects.

Secondly, you need to teach the English language overseas. Fortunately, you do not always need to be a native English speaker before teaching English abroad. With a TEFL certification, you’ll most likely get an English teaching job.



1. Cambodia

Cambodia is best known as a retirement destination with employment and business opportunities available. It’s one of the easiest countries to get a work visa in the world. In fact, it is one of the countries with easy visa requirements for everyone.

The main visa you’ll find in Cambodia is the ‘business visa’. This can be renewed indefinitely and you don’t even need a company to sponsor you. However, to work legally, you’ll need a work permit.

There are two types of work permits available— temporary and permanent. Unless you have friends in the Cambodian government or extremely deep pockets, you will be getting a temporary work permit. It costs about US$100 and you’ll need to provide your general information. You will also need to send a copy of your employment letter to the Ministry of Interior.

2. China

China is one of the easiest countries to get a work visa, especially for English teachers. In China, English language teachers are in high demand, and opportunities abound for certified English teachers. To teach English in China, you will need a certificate degree, a police background check, and a TEFL certificate. There is a US$50 administrative fee.

You can apply for the teaching visa, known as a “Z” Visa, through a China Embassy or Consulate in your country. This requires sponsorship from your future employers. Do not risk working in China without the required visa as you can be hit with a large fine, deportation, or even jail time.

You can also apply for the China Talent Visa (R). This is for people who China considers to be highly talented. Renowned professors, scholars, and people capable of taking top jobs in Chinese corporations qualify.

3. Singapore

Singapore also features as one of the easiest countries to get a work permit. There are great opportunities for those looking to live and work abroad. The Singapore working holiday programme lasts for 6 months and is open for students and graduates.

They’re two common types of work visas; the Singapore EP Pass (Singapore Employment Pass) and the Singapore E Pass (Singapore Entrepreneur Pass). The former is most suited to skilled professionals, while the latter is aimed at entrepreneurs. Both allow you to work in Singapore for a minimum of 12 months. The pass is valid for up to two years and can be renewed.

There are opportunities for mildly skilled workers known as the S Pass. Workers, such as technicians, can work here with an S Pass. They need to prove the relevant qualifications and a minimum salary of S$2,200 per month. Workers in Singapore can bring their spouses and other dependents.

4. Mexico

Mexico is a beautiful place and one of the easiest countries to immigrate to. To get a Mexican visa, you have to pass an interview at your home consulate and the company who wishes to employ you will need to take a sponsorship letter to immigration. If the company you are working for has experience hiring foreign workers, this process should be fairly easy, however, you might want to hire a lawyer. This will help to ensure everything goes through without problems.

Additionally, you can bring your family with you (although there’s no guarantee of a work permit for your spouse) and they must register with immigration within 30 days. In Mexico, they’re opportunities for native English speakers.

5. Ireland

Ireland work permit doesn’t come with age restrictions. The country has a General Employment Permit, which grants non-EU citizens up to two years of legal employment. She also has the Critical Skills Employment Permit, in which you need to fall into the category of the professions specified.

Additionally, you can get a 12-month Working Holiday Authorization. To qualify, you have to either be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate education or have recently graduated (within the past year). You also have to pay a fee of €300 and show proof of a return ticket, plus €1,500 to live off of. (If you don’t have a return ticket, you must show that you have at least €3,000 available).

Workers who don’t meet this requirement can for the general work permit. If you search on the Ireland visa website, you will be able to find all the sectors they are hiring for under these two categories. Once you have a job offer in writing, either you or your employer can apply for your visa. There are a few minimum requirements, such as a job offer of at least €30,000 per year.

6. Panama

Panama is a beautiful country and also one of the easiest countries to get a work permit. Many of the world’s biggest multinationals now have major offices in Panama. This has led to a huge demand for foreign workers.

If you are from one of the Friendly Nations, then you are eligible for a fast-tracked work permit and visa. Up until 2017, you could get the work permit without even having a job lined up. Now, you need to have a written job offer from a Panamanian company.

You can work in Panama without a work permit on one condition—that your income comes from outside Panama, making it an attractive destination for online business owners. Marrying a Panamanian also allows you to apply for a work visa.

The Highly Skilled Worker Permit grants workers with a bachelor or postgraduate degree the right to work in Panama. However, applying for the (sponsored) Friendly Nations Visa is definitely the easier option. The immigration department requests detailed information about your education history. Also required is documentation from your university.

7. New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the easiest countries to get a work permit. The country has a range of jobs on its Long Term Skill Shortage List. If you find a job on the Shortage List paying more than NZ$45,000 per year, you can find sponsored work.

For a faster application process, apply for an Immediate Skill Shortage job. There are fewer options, but your application will be fast-tracked. You could find yourself working in under six months. To work in New Zealand, you will need an IRD (Inland Revenue) number that allows you to pay tax.

Those who like the great outdoors can take advantage of New Zealand’s spectacular scenery. Jobs are available working as a ski or snowboard instructor and as a wilderness tour guide. Just as rewarding are a range of farming jobs which come up yearly in New Zealand.

8. Australia

Australia has always always been one of the easiest countries to get a work visa. However, the process might be a little bit strick these days. However, people under the age of 30 from most European countries can apply for a visa via the Working Holiday Maker Program, allowing them to work in Australia during their holiday.

Everyone else needs to apply for a Temporary Work Skilled 457 visa. Employers can sponsor an employee for a maximum of four years. This visa allows you to bring immediate family members and to come and go from Australia as frequently as you like.

As a general rule, a clean criminal record is necessary. However, depending on the circumstances, you may be exempted. You need to be a fluent English speaker and have all the necessary qualifications for the post you are taking.

9. The UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the top tourist attractions in the world. Additionally, getting a work visa in the UAE is one of the fastest in the world. Providing you have everything in order, the full process can be completed in as little as 40 days.

Most jobs for foreigners are with “Free Zone” companies. Companies based inside a free trade zone are lightly taxed—to promote increased trade and boost the economy.

Once you have a job offer from the company, the Ministry of Labor will review. This is to decide if the job could be carried out by a UAE citizen. Assuming you are successful, you will get a two-month visa, allowing you to start work while the work visa is finalized.

Later on, you will need to go through medical and biometric screening. After that, you will sign up for medical insurance. This is mandatory in the UAE. Upon completion, you get an Emirates ID card. You can use this for everyday ID purposes, meaning you no longer need to have your passport with you at all times.

10. Germany

Just like other European countries, getting a permit might not the easy, however, if you’re a freelancer you should probably consider Germany. As a freelancer with a list of successful clients, you can easily get a work permit in Germany. The visa itself is actually called an “artist visa”. It will cost you €110, a lot of paperwork, and a plan as to how you’ll make sure you can survive.

Once you arrive though, and as long as you can prove you’re able to support yourself, you can stay indefinitely.


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