
How to Become a Computer Engineer in Ghana

The world is going digital and more people are going into the computer and IT-related discipline. A degree in Computer Engineering could be all that you need to fit into this ever-growing industry.


The computer engineering profession is being dominated by most young professionals. in the last decade, the trend has been on the increased. If you’ve been wondering how to become a computer engineer, then you’re at the right place.

The computer engineering profession actually blends computer science with electrical engineering. Being a dynamic profession it harmonizes technology and innovation to develop computer hardware and software.

In this post, you’ll learn how to become a computer engineer in Ghana. You’ll also learn how to get admission to study computer engineering in Ghana, institutions offering computer engineering in Ghana and every other detail needed to become a successful computer engineer in Ghana.



Who is a Computer Engineer?

A computer engineer is a professional who research, design, develop and test computer systems and components such as processors, circuit boards, memory devices, networks and routers. They often deal with both hardware and software ensuring that the two are smoothly integrated to function properly: thus, ensuring that computer systems are faster, safer and more reliable.

There are two main career paths in this wonderful profession – hardware and software engineering. Hardware engineering focuses on designing computer and its components such as motherboards, microprocessors, microcontrollers etc.

Software engineering, on the other hand, deals with designing and testing programs and applications that run on computers and mobile devices.

Skills and Competencies Needed in Computer Engineering


Remember that computers all run on data, which is basically mathematics in its purest form. Computer engineering requires excellent math skills, both for the construction of hardware and the programming of software. It’s time to brush up on those math skills if you really want to become a computer engineer.


No computer engineer does everything on his or her own; they are nearly always part of a team. Being part of a team means you will need to be able to communicate well, interact with others, and stay abreast of team progress.

Software Engineering

As a computer engineer, a good deal of your work will be performed by the software on your computers. You will need to know how to design a program, write the code, and then test the software for bugs. You will need to know how to write scripts, software test procedures, compatibility, and MORE – all related to software.

Hardware Experience

You need to know how a computer is built, as well as the various components that go into the computers. This doesn’t just apply to Windows computers, but also Macs and any computers that run open-source OSs like Linux.

Programming Languages

You have no idea how many different programming languages are used to create computers and computer programs in this day and age. But as a computer engineer, you will be required to do a lot of low-level system and hardware programming that is not as user-friendly as programming in languages like Python or Java. You will need to have excellent knowledge of languages like Perl, C++, C and Assembly just to name a few.


A good deal of your time is going to be spent sitting and doing nothing but writing code. This is a task that requires A LOT of patience, which is why patience is a skill you CANNOT succeed without.


If you want to get ahead in the field of computer engineering, you’ll need to lead a team of computer engineers. If you don’t have management skills, you could end up stuck in the same position – never able to advance in your career!

Problem Solving

Anyone who has ever tried to write computer code knows how important it is to get EVERYTHING right. One tiny mistake can ruin an entire program, and it takes a mind skilled in problem-solving to find those errors and correct them.


This goes hand in hand with problem-solving skills but is more along the lines of trying to root out mistakes by identifying the problem they are causing. Carefully examining operating errors can help you realise what is behind the issues.


You will spend a lot of your time as a computer engineer learning about new software and hardware. The ability to learn new skills fast is a quality that every employer looks for, and it will help you advance a lot further in your career!

How To Become A Computer Engineer In Ghana

With a growing, unabated yearning for technology at its peak, industries and individuals in Ghana are in constant need of trained and highly skilled computer engineers.

With such prospects, computer engineering in Ghana becomes a gravy train. In this article, we’ll show you how one can become a computer engineer in Ghana.

1. Get a Degree

To become a computer engineer, you need to get an engineering degree. You can obtain a degree either by enrolling in a polytechnic or university. At the university level, it takes 4 to 5 years to obtain a B.Eng degree in Computer Engineering.

Additionally, you can proceed to obtain an MSc in Computer Engineering in a reputable institution. Typical classes include the design and creation of computers, hardware development, software development, and communication networks.

However, before you can enrol to study computer engineering, you need to meet the minimum admission requirements.

Computer Engineering Entry Requirements in Ghana

Applicant must have credit passes in THREE (3) Core Subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Integrated Science and Credit passes in THREE (3) of the following Elective Subjects: Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.

2. Get a License

Once you’ve completed your undergraduate or postgraduate degree, you need to register with the Ghana Institution of Engineering to obtain your practising license. Remember, you’ll be required to take and pass an examination conducted by the body.

Once you become a member of the Ghana Institute of Engineering, you’ll be certified to practice. At this point, you can consider yourself a certified Engineer.

3. Gain Experience

Once you’ve been certified to practice, you need to gain all the necessary experience. You can seek career opportunities from emerging firms or you could volunteer your service. A skill that you don’t practice will not fetch you anything.

Additionally, you could enrol for further certifications. The more knowledgeable you are, the more demanding is your service. You could get certifications in either hardware or software. Improve your skills and make yourself marketable.

Career Prospects and Job Opportunities in Computer Engineering

As a dynamic professional field, computer engineering offers varied career paths in both hardware engineering (e.g. microprocessors) and software development—each which drive computing advances in industries ranging from aerospace to healthcare.

In this modern age, the demand for a computer engineer is high. At the career level, there are two main specialties: hardware and software engineering.

Hardware engineers focus their skills on computer systems and components, designing microprocessors, circuit boards, routers and other embedded devices. Software engineers, on the other hand, create, test and debug programs and applications that run on computers, mobile devices and more.

Some jobs you can do as a computer engineering graduate

  • Software Engineer
  • Software Tester
  • Project Manager
  • Application Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Computer Lecturer
  • Hardware Engineer
  • Microprocessor Engineer
  • Microprocessor Designer
  • High School Teacher
  • Product Engineer
  • Product Designer


With the growing and emerging desire for technology, a career in computer engineering could be the best bet for you. You need to be deliberate about your career. The services of computer engineers are always in demand. Their services are always in demand in almost all sector of the economy.


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