
Air Traffic Controller Job Description – What Are their Duties

Everyday, people go into air-crafts to transport themselves from one place to the other. Passengers rely on pilots, but pilots rely on air traffic controllers for adequate information which would be useful in their journey.


This is so because air traffic controllers have more detailed information on the weather, routes to takes and proper landing procedures within the airport. Simply put, they are responsible for monitoring and tracking Airplanes to ensure their safety at all times.



An Air Traffic Controller Job Profile

An Air traffic controller is responsible for the movement of aircraft during arrival and departure from airports and along major air routes. They communicate with pilots via radio signals within designated areas while giving information about weather conditions and landing procedures. Specialized areas within air traffic control involves; area control, approach or aerodrome control. You might be required to work at area centres not far from the airport with a specialization in area control, while others work from the airport directly.

Read also: Aeronautical Engineer Job Description –  their Duties and job description

 Job Description for Air Traffic Controllers

Your day-to-day activity would include;
  • Issue landing and takeoff instructions to pilots
  • Directing the movement of air-crafts using designated software
  • Control all  traffic at airports
  • Manage communications via specified channels at all times
  • Provide information on forecast and landing to pilots
  • In the case of an emergency alert appropriate authorities

Skills Needed for an Aeronautical Engineers Position

An Air-Traffic Controller should possess some of the listed skills to fit into the position;

  • Strong eyesight and colour coordination
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Spatial awareness
  • Good communication and teamworking skills
  • Motivation and self-discipline
  • Critical thinking abilities
  • Project management Skills
  • Up-to-date knowledge of technicalities in the aviation industry

Typical Employers of Air Traffic Controllers

Some of the areas you can work in as an air-traffic controller include:

  • Area Control centres
  • Airports

This is because air-traffic control jobs are tailored towards the airport and the pilots hence they spend all of their time within the areas listed above.

Qualification for Air Traffic Controller Jobs

To become an air-traffic controller a secondary school degree is usually sufficient as employees always undergo training for about 3years before commencing their jobs. One would continue to work in area control, approach or aerodrome control throughout their career as it is always difficult to switch. Also, You taking relevant certifications in the aviation industry can aid your transition into management smoothly.


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