
Salary Structure of University Lecturers in Ghana

What is the salary structure for lecturers in Ghana? The question of how much lecturers earn in Ghana is a very sensitive one. So, in this article, we’ll be looking at how much university lecturers earn in Ghana as salaries and allowances.


The academic sector is always loaded with the best professionals. These are people who are always on the move for self-development. The academic sector, unlike other sectors, is very unique. As a lecturer, if you don’t publish, you perish. That is to say, they are always on the go to carry out research.

They often wonder how much they earn even with all their effort in imparting knowledge. The work of a lecturer is a difficult one, not only in Ghana. Be it a junior, senior lecturer, or even a professor, they should have decent take-home pay considering their own contribution to the economy.



Lecturing Hierarchy In Ghanaian Universities

Just like every other profession, the academic sector also has its own hierarchy and rank. Just as their rank is different, so is the difference in their salaries.

  • Emeritus Professor (Retired)
  • Professor
  • Associate Professor / Reader
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Lecturer I
  • Lecturer II
  • Assistant Lecturer
  • Graduate Assistant

University Lecturers Salary in Ghana

That being said, we’ll be looking at the salaries of lecturers in Ghana. Just like we’ve mentioned above, there is a wide difference between the salaries of lecturers due to their ranks.

In fact, the salary increases as you move up the ladder of your academic career. Also, lecturers are paid according to their qualifications and affiliated institutions. That is to say, a lecturer with a PhD will definitely earn more than one with an MSc.

Also, the salaries of lecturers at private universities are quite different from those at public universities. On that note, let’s take a look at the average salary of lecturers in Ghana.

  • Lecturers in the lower cadre earn between GHC18,000 and GHC42,000 per annum.
  • Senior lecturers earn between GHC54,000 and GHC60,000 per year.
  • Professors earn the most, and their salary is expected to be far above GHC 96,000 per annum.


Several factors affect the salary of lecturers in Ghana. Some of them range from qualifications to affiliated institutions. However, we’ve provided a brief insight as to what lecturers earn on average in Ghana. The actual pay might vary due to other factors, but it certainly won’t exceed the range provided on this page.


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  1. Nonsense. What do you mean by it would certainly not exceed your ranges? I am a lecturer in Ghana and my salary as at January 2023 certainly exceeds your ranges

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