Uniterra Ghana Job Vacancies 2017
Uniterra Ghana Job Vacancies 2017 is now open. Interested and qualified candidates should see full application details below.
About Uniterra
Uniterra is a leading Canadian International Volunteer Cooperation and Development program, jointly implemented by World University Service of Canada (WUSC) and the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI).
Uniterra contributes to improving the socio-economic conditions of poor and marginalized communities in (14) countries and with over (200) partners in Africa, Asia and the Americas through the exchange of expertise and knowledge of Canadian and international volunteers. Uniterra believes
that economic growth, when inclusive, is the most powerful driver of poverty reduction.
Job Description
Job Title: Training Support Advisor
The purpose of the Uniterra program is to improve the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable populations by stimulating growth and facilitating access to the benefits of growing and diversified markets. To make this happen, we are working with our local partners to enhance the income of poor and marginalized women and youth through better access to employment and income generation opportunities. Uniterra country program staff work with our local partners to design Uniterra
assignments in the context of the country strategy, supporting the inclusion of women and youth in key economic subsectors.
For more information on the Uniterra program, our approach and countries of focus please visit: Uniterra.ca
Job Description
Assignment: Volunteer Co-operation Advisor
Reports to: The Sector Programme Officer
Contract Duration: 1Year
Application deadline: December 30, 2017
Start date: January 10, 2018
Place of Assignment: Tamale, Ghana
Uniterra is a leading Canadian International Volunteer Cooperation and Development program, jointly implemented by World University Service of Canada (WUSC) and the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI).
Uniterra contributes to improving the socio-economic conditions of poor and marginalized communities in (14) countries and with over (200) partners in Africa, Asia and the Americas through the exchange of expertise and knowledge of Canadian and international volunteers. Uniterra believes that economic growth, when inclusive, is the most powerful driver of poverty reduction. The purpose of the Uniterra program is to improve the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable populations by stimulating growth and facilitating access to the benefits of growing and diversified markets. To make this happen, we are working with our local partners to enhance the income of poor and marginalized women and youth through better access to employment and income generation opportunities. Uniterra country program staff work with our local partners to design Uniterra assignments in the context of the country strategy, supporting the inclusion of women and youth in key economic subsectors.
For more information on the Uniterra program, our approach and countries of focus please visit: Uniterra.ca
This mandate is one of the strategic mandates develop by the Uniterra program to support strengthen farmers associations especially the Northern region guinea fowl farmers’ association (NOGFFA), this is an umbrella association of individual farmers and a core market actor who have come together to address their production bottlenecks. This association received some small funding from the Northern Rural Growth Program (NRGP) to identify and bring different farmers together. The major challenge at the moment facing this association and its members is how to address the high rate of keet mortality of the guinea fowl bed and to
be able to attract additional funding from donors and other private sector players to increase their scale of production to take advantage of the growing market
Undertake a quick SWOT analysis of NORGFFA and its members to determine areas of farmer’s knowledge gaps.
Conduct specific gap analysis of farmers knowledge with existing best practices in guinea fowl husbandry practices
Develop appropriate and specific training materials and tools for the association members
Provide targeted training to selected farmers based on the gaps identified in guinea fowl production and management focusing mainly on reducing keet
Based on existing knowledge and best practices foster individual and group learning methodologies for farmers.
Document and record examples of best practices for onward dissemination to other farmers
Introduce activities that will motivate or encourage youth and women into guinea fowl production
Support raise the profile of NORGFFA through linkages and networking with other organizations interested in guinea fowl rearing
Facilitate networking between NORGFFA and guinea fowl processors and businesses especially TIBZAA,Gees Fresh Point and Alhassan Farms all in
northern region
Liaise with other Uniterra volunteers working with partners in the guinea fowl value chain to link farmers up with market opportunities
Write reports required by the Uniterra program and NORGFFA
Required Skills or Experience
A Retired or Voluntary Vetinary officer,Animal production or an Extension officer
Experience in field veterinary practice in developing countries especially with poultry
Experience working with farmers and field agriculture officers
Experience in poultry production and disease control(guinea fowl)
Familiarity with training techniques and tools, including participatory approaches
Proficiency in English
Ability to network with multiple stakeholders
Excellent communication, interpersonal and cross-cultural skills
Strong team player
Occasional travels to Accra,Upper East and Upper West regions of Ghana
Applicants must be a Ghanaian citizen or permanent resident of Ghana between the age of 35 to 70.
Departure date is contingent upon the timely completion of all administrative requirements (e.g. contracting processes, medical clearance, travel documentation).
Ability to speak at least Dagnani,Grune or Waali
How to Apply for Uniterra Ghana Job Vacancies 2017
You must open a file on wuscghanaoffice@wusc.ca and submit your resume before applying to a specific position
Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
We thank all those who have applied however, only those applicants shortlisted for an interview will be contacted.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 30th December 2017