UEW Time-Table for General Education Courses 2019/2020
The University of Education Winneba (UEW) timetable for the 2019/2020 resit examination for general education course has been released.
Students are informed that the Department of Educational Foundations will be organizing resit examinations for all the Seven General Education courses. Students who have had grade “E” in any of the courses in the previous semesters are invited to take advantage of this opportunity to re-write.
To participate, follow these directions:
- Pay the required fees following directions available on the University website: https://uew.edu.gh/announcements/fees-resit-examinations-20192020-academic-year
- Visit the General office of the Department of Educational Foundations with your payment receipts to register for the examinations. Deadline: Monday, 25th January 2021.
- Consult the timetable for the Resit Examinations (copy attached below) and take notice of the date and time for your paper of interest.
Report at Room FES 122, Faculty of Educational Studies Building at least 15minutes before the scheduled time for your paper of interest. Come along with Student or any National ID card to prove your identity.
UEW Time-Table
Details of the resit/supplementary examination can be seen in the pdf reader below.
Follow the link below in-case your device can’t display the document above (Note: You will, however, need a device that is capable of opening PDF files to access the list).