
How to Take UENR Matriculation Oath Online 2024

The University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) matriculation oath for newly admitted students for the 2023/2024 academic year is available online. Matriculating students can proceed immediately after the matriculation Livestream to take the matriculation oath.


UENR Matriculation Oath

The management of the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) has opened the online matriculation registry for all matriculating students for the 2023/2024 academic year.

All First Years are mandated to participate in the ceremony via the matriculation Livestream.


How to Register for UENR Matriculation

To register and join the Virtual Matriculation for your School, scroll down and select a unique link to your School’s virtual matriculation platform.

Note that the time and link for each school is different. 

How to Sign UENR Matriculation Oath Online

  • After the Livestream, proceed to
  • Login in with your student credentials
  • Carefully read the Oath, tick and submit same.
  • You will receive a Congratulatory message from the Vice-Chancellor upon successful submission.

Kindly Take Note

  • This Virtual Orientation begins from 8:00am to 1:00pm.
  • Due to network and other challenges, this virtual matriculation will be replayed at different time interval for different schools
  • You have up to 2 hours to Take Your Oath after the Livestream.

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One Comment

  1. Dear Registrar,
    I’m to comment that incase someone couldn’t take his/her matriculation oath,because of bad internet connections or probably lack of phone.
    So please how can that person still assist by the registrar.

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