
SHS Re-Opening Date for 2022/2023 Academic Year

The Senior High School (SHS) 1, 2 and 3 re-opening and vacation date earlier for the 2022/2023 academic year has been announced.


Management of the Ghana Education Service (GES), wishes to inform staff, parents, students, and the general public that SHS academic calendar for the 2022/2023 academic year has been released.

SHS Re-Opening and Vacation Date 2022/2023

According to the new 2023 academic calendar, Form 3 and 2 students in Senior High Schools (SHSs) will reopen the school on Tuesday, 10th January 2023.

Additionally, Heads of SHS are to as a matter of urgency communicate to all parents about the designated tracks for their wards to enable them plan accordingly.


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  1. Are the shs 2 students whom their school is not a double track school included in the reopening of the shs 2 gold track on 22 June, 2020

  2. If u dey finish up u gonna say free shs, do u tink dat ibi free 4 the yr 2 gold track students ? Going 4 classes, paying classes fee while we have 2 be in class dat u say ibi free shs class. government u wanna do something about it.

  3. Please there have been some rumors that form 2 Gold track will resume on 4th March.Please how true is that

  4. Is this really schooling one month for the gold track two months for the green track will waec set questions based on tracking system? if not then the gold trackers have a lot to do
    one month in school with teachers on strike

  5. Is this really schooling one month for the gold track two months for the green track will waec set questions based on tracking system?

  6. Why, this double track make people lose their hope in their children.
    we students are suffering a lot. why?

  7. if i may ask, which country excluding, sorry to say the poorest africa countries is not practicing double track system?
    school is who you are and how perfect you are. academically

      1. Please there are some rumors going about that form two gold will be going with the form one on 10th March 2021, please is it true??

  8. This double track system is not helping
    Gold trackers are wasting a lot of time in
    The house instead of school.
    Wasting all their money on extra classes
    And you call this free education .
    GES I think you should plan well on
    The academic callender so that we can
    Also benefit

  9. What is happening to our education system. Why is the track gold students staying home again and again why don’t you think about them, why shouldn’t they also pass wassce or? Ever since this green and gold stuff came the quality of education has reduce to zero what is happening??

  10. Am speechless now.What results is the government expecting from the gold track students after Wassce? God ,we are depending on you.

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