
Senior High Schools Academic Calendar 2024

SHS Academic Calendar 2024 | The Senior High Schools academic calendar for the 2023–2024 academic calendar has been released by the Ghana Education Service (GES).


The Ghana Education Service (GES) has released the timetable for the double track and single track in senior high schools for the 20213/2024 academic year


It must be noted that not all schools will run double-track. In light of this, the single-track schools will observe the following calendar for the years:


First Semester

Form 3 – 1st November 2023 to 5th March 2024

Form 2 – 1st November 2023 to 5th March 2024

Form 1 – 4th December 2023 to 15th March 2024

2nd Semester

Form 3 – 3rd May 2024 to 28th August 2024

Form 2 – 3rd May 2024 to 28th August 2024

Form 1 – 3rd May 2024 to 28th August 2024


Single Track Vacation Dates

First Semester

Form 3 – 5th March 2024 to 2nd May, 2024

Form 2 – 5th March 2024 to 2nd May, 2024

Form 1 – 16th March, 2024 to 2nd May, 2024

Transitional Academic Calendar 2024

First Semester

Form 3 – 3rd January, 2024 to 28th March, 2024

Form 2 – 8th March, 2024 to 9th May, 2024

Form 1 – 4th December, 2023 to 5th March, 2024

2nd Semester

Form 3 – 17th April, 2024 to 23rd August, 2024

Form 2 – 12th July, 2024 to 15th November 2024

Form 1 – 13th May, 2024 to 9th July, 2024

3rd Semester

Form 1 – 3rd July, 2024 – 15th November, 2024


Transitional Vacation Dates

First Semester

Form 3 – 29th March, 2024 to 16th April, 2024

Form 2 – 10th May, 2024 to 11th July, 2024

Form 1 – 6th May, 2024 to 12th May, 2024

2nd Semester

Form 1 – 10th July, 2024 – 2nd September, 2024

The management wishes you all the best for the season.


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  1. Please we need the date of gold track in form 1student please help to get the date to prepared my self. Please

  2. Are the form two single-track students suppose to go to school after vacating for the first semester on March 5,and go on 5th April 2021?

  3. I am in from three and l want to know when we will start the Wacce and when we return to school are we going to come back home and will the from one be on double tracking and will it affect the from three

  4. Let them perform their duties as assigned to them my brothers and sisters for all shall come to pass but we gold truckers are really suffering

  5. why are we the form threes writing our WASSCE in September but no the usual MAY/JUNE. September is too far, please do something about it by bringing it back to the usual period.

  6. when i become Prez i will sack all GES managers for no leting we the gold trackers sit in the house 4 1year. How will the charity going to survive why, aba bullshit eso nie.

  7. Please we are begging GES to do something about the green track students especially our second session. It is so painful when I look at the calendar , why should we go to school June 1 and vacate June 30. What do you expect us to do within this short period of have to treat us equally. Go to school July 1 and vacate August 27 , just imagine how can this Help us . Please GES should check the system again

  8. GES are not been fair to we the green track students. In fact, when I look at the number of months the gold track are going to spend in school is far more than the number of months we are to spend in school. Why so? Are we not all students and we are all going to sit for the same exams and you people want to cheat us for the gold track students.we are not happy about that. So please we are appealing to GES to review the calendar for us to all equal contact hours. When I did calculation for the whole academic year the gold track have more days to spend in school than we do.

  9. If it’s really true that gold form 2 student are living for school in March, then it’s really not fair, gold students have really stayed home for a very long time and we are fed up 😕. Please do something about the date.

  10. Why is GES doing that to Gold tracks we have almost stayed home for a year cause Gold tracks vacated and when we were about to resume school then cov-19 came and instead for you guys to let us go first you are sending the green tracks WE ARE SUFFERING GOLD TRACKS WE ARE LACKING BEHIND PLEASE DO SOMETHING ÀBOUT OUR DATE by Evangeline adwoa Asare attend St Louis shs AM AGAINST THE DATE FROM GES

    1. Please, I don’t understand something here ooo , the form 1 single track under double track are vacating in 16 June and the form 1 single track are vacating in 16 July . Why ? Are they not all form 1 single track students? They all went to school in March , how come the single track students are spending almost five months in school whiles their colleagues form 1 single track under double track are spending less than such month ? Please do something about the date of the single track form 1 students which is 16 July .I suggest they vacate on the same day and date which is 16 June with the single track students under the double track. Let the students rest small .Five months is not easy .. It’s a punishment to the single track form 1 students.

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