
SDA College of Education Recruitment for College Secretary

Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified candidates for SDA College of Education Recruitment for College Secretary.

Adventist College of Education is a teacher education college in Asokore. The college is located in Eastern / Greater Accra zone. It is one of the about 40 public colleges of education in Ghana. The college participated in the DFID-funded T-TEL programme.

Job Description:

  • Company: SDA College of Education
  • Location: Ghana
  • State: Koforidua
  • Job type: Full-Time




The College Secretary is the Head of the Office of the College Secretariat. He/She shall assist the Principal in the administration and management ofthe College. He/ She is the Secretary to the College Council, all Commit­tees of Council as well as all statutory Committees of the College.  It shall be the responsibility of the College Secretary to ensure the functioning of all Boards and Standing Committees of the College.The Office of the College Secretary is in charge of all administrative, secretarial and personnel matters of the College which include:

  • Human resource management;
  • Keeping and maintaining the inventory of the col­lege’s assets;
  • Management and development of the college’s assets;
  • Administration and organization of admissions;
  • Organization of examinations and publication of re­sults;
  • Organization of all official ceremonies including ma­triculation, congregation and convocation.


  • Applicant must hold a good first degree and a postgrad­uate degree preferably in Administration and Manage­ment related area.
  • He/She must have served as a depu­ty Secretary in a College of Education or comparable grade in a similar institution/organization for at least 4 years

How to Apply

Interested applicants for any of the advertised positions above must apply to the College on or before November 19, 2019.

All applications including appropriate qualifications and Curriculum Vitae must be addressed to The College Principal as follows:

SDA College of Education

P O. Box 18

Asokore, Koforidua

Contact Info: 026-229-5918


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