
Official: UCC Releases Final Year Teacher Trainees’ expected ‘Postings’ Results

Official: UCC Releases Final Year Teacher Trainees’ expected ‘Postings’ Results

The University of Cape Coast Institute of Education has released the final Semester examination results to all Colleges of Education in the Country.


The need for the release of the semester result became very necessary due to the Ghana Education Service’s decision to wait until the results are out before they could commence the posting of Newly trained teachers to fill vacant positions at the various public basic schools in the country.

Newly Trained Teachers are expected to visit their various Colleges to check their results.


Posting of Failed Students

In relation to the posting of failed students, the Ghana Education Service earlier indicated that they will go through similar procedure used last year .

If that is anything to go by,then such study will be placed on Pupil Teachers’ pay roll.

Posting doubts

Though in the statement issued by the Ghana Education Service, Newly Trained Teachers shall be posted as soon as their results are being released by the University of Cape Coast,there are contradictions to the actual fact behind the reality.

SEE ALSO: National Teachers Training Examination Schedule.


According to the Education Minister,Ghana Education Service (GES) is currently in the process of ensuring that newly trained teachers are posted especially to places where teachers are needed.

“The Ministry of Finance will also have to grant clearance to ensure that newly posted teachers are put on a payroll. As soon as these requirements are met, teachers will be promptly posted to various schools.”

The above statement by the Education Minister further implies that the statement by the Ghana Education Service may not be entirely true,unless otherwise the Ghana Education Service forgot to emphasize on the fact that the Finance Ministry needed to issue a financial clear before trainees could be posted.


Meanwhile, there are hopes that the postings shall be out sooner than later.

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