
NTC Licensure Exam Result Statistics: 8,442 Fails

The National Teaching Council (NTC) has released the results of the 4th Ghana teacher licensure examination (GTLE).


A total of 19,013 out of the 27,455 candidates who sat for the examination representing 69.3 per cent passed the examination, while, 8,442 representing 30.7 per cent failed.

RECOMMENDED: How to Check NTC Licensure Examination Results 2020/2021.

He said all candidates who wrote the examination could check their results from the NTC online portal at, either by use of their personal identification numbers (PINs) assigned them during the registration or their examination index numbers.


It directed the candidates to check using the PIN assigned to them during the registration or their GTLE index number.

The statement further asked candidates, who passed in all the examinations, to print their certificates from the NTC portal instead of visiting the offices of the NTC for the purpose of collecting their certificates.

“Candidates, who sat for the March 2020 GTLE and passed, should also print their certificates online from the NTC portal,” the statement further instructed.

Targeted candidates

Mr Addai-Poku explained that the targeted candidates were those who completed the colleges of education or those who read Education in the various universities and colleges and were desirous of seeking employment with the Ghana Education Service (GES).

Currently, the policy is that all newly trained diploma students from the various colleges of education who want to teach would be required to write the examination in their respective colleges or as may be directed by the NTC.

Mr Addai-Poku said those who were already teaching, both in public and private schools, would not be required to write the examination but would undertake a number of in-service professional training programmes to upgrade themselves to enable them to obtain the licence.


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  1. I couldn’t access my examination ID and email due to that , I couldn’t get access to my results

  2. Please, when i check my results, a message appears that,
    sorry! wrong examination ID or phone number

  3. Please I printed my provisional NTC certificate and realized there was problem with my date of birth . The correct birthday is 06/06/1990 but it rather came as 05/06/1990. Please I need help. How can rectify this problem?

  4. Please I registered for the exams but could not write because I was admitted at the hospital. May I please know if there can be any help to write this one.
    Thank you.

  5. Comment: will the DBE students from the various universities who passed the licensure exams be recruit ?

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