
List of Useful Platforms for Students to Learn

Today, due to changes in various spheres of life, there is a need for the development of information technology. It is no longer possible to imagine a person who would not turn to online services and the Internet at least once a day. This is especially true for young people.


Therefore, in order to keep up with the times, to remain the relevant, modern, and attractive center of quality educational knowledge, the teacher of the new generation must use in their practice modern information and communication technologies. This allows creating a wide range of illustrative and informative material: text, graphics, animation, video, and more. Various Internet computer programs activate all types of human activities (mental, language, physical), which improves and accelerates the process of learning the material.


Math Homework Helper: What Websites Are Useful for Modern Students?

Modern students not only use the resources recommended by the teacher but also independently search for useful platforms. They know where to take online courses, where to find a math homework helper, where to get the necessary information, etc. There are a great number of useful learning platforms today. In this article, we will consider several of them in detail.


Effective Writing Help: Online Service

By visiting the website, you can get instant math homework help. It employs the best professional writers to date, who offer affordable prices to students and make free changes to the work done. Each math homework helper has a high level of knowledge in the field of mathematics, so is ready to provide maximum quality online math homework help.

To get help with math homework on the site, you need to go through just a few steps:

  1. Fill out the order form on the service;
  2. Entrust the writing of the paper to a professional helper who can guarantee high-quality of the math assignment help;
  3. Make an advance payment for the work;
  4. Wait for the paper to be written, clarifying all the necessary questions with the manager or communicating directly with the author;
  5. Make the second part of the payment;
  6. Receive the completed hw assignment within the previously established deadline;
  7. Contact the service for free edits if necessary.

Pay attention please that collaboration with the platform brings students a number of benefits. While receiving quality math help online, they also receive an affordable price, compliance with requirements and deadlines, no plagiarism, free edits, the ability to communicate with an assistant directly, etc. Thus, contact the service with the request “I need support. Can you do my homework for me as best as possible?” and find someone who will complete your homework already today.

Effective Online Training: Coursera Service

Coursera was founded in 2012 by two professors at Stanford University, who decided that the demand in the online education market far exceeds supply. Coursera quickly became a popular choice for students due to its connections with prestigious educational institutions. Examples of such institutions include Stanford University, the University of Michigan, and John Hopkins University. Combining these accredited universities with a wide range of courses makes it possible that Coursera is now one of the most popular ways to earn a degree online.

The difference between Coursera and other online learning platforms is that Coursera can offer a full program from universities around the world that are accessible to all. The platform offers thousands of courses from short, lasting only 4 weeks to full-fledged degrees, which take up to six years. The company offers several different training options:

  • A professional certificate is a set of courses that have been created to help people move forward in their business;
  • MasterTrack Certificate will help students obtain study credits in their specialty;
  • Specialization courses are designed for people who are already working in a particular field and need additional knowledge within their specialization;
  • Diploma programs – a student can get a huge advantage of studying online and get a degree anywhere;
  • Free courses – there are also courses that are available for free.

According to the company’s latest reports, the platform has 60 million users, more than 4,200 courses, and more than 430 specializations, 15 professional certificates, 15 MasterTrack certificates, and 20 diploma programs. The partners of the platform are more than 200 universities around the world and students from more than 200 countries. Courses are available in more than 40 languages.

Self-Education: Khan Academy Platform

The idea to establish the Khan Academy came to the American Salman Khan when he was helping his cousin with mathematics. Salman graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in three different fields and used a messenger to explain math assignments to a cousin by drawing different graphs and tasks. After other people started asking him the same requests, Salman started doing video tutorials and then launched a full-fledged educational platform, Khan Academy. The name comes from the fact that Salman’s first students jokingly called his video lessons “Khan Academy”.

The platform is very open. It doesn’t even require registration. Just choose a course you like, read its description, and you can go straight to learning. Because Salman Khan himself is familiar with mathematics, computer science, and engineering, Khan Academy has many curricula on these topics.

There are several ways to understand the courses offered by Khan Academy: just go to the categories section, use the search bar or the menu “For students”, “For teachers”, “For parents”.

Khan Academy has no tasks or tests, as well as no certificates. According to the plan of the founder of the platform, students themselves must decide at what pace they should study and how deeply they want to study a particular subject and such a flexible system will be the future of all their education.

So, in this review, we looked at three popular platforms for effective learning. If you enjoy self-study, visit each of them and take advantage of the benefits that they offer! Rest assured that you will gain useful knowledge and skills, no matter which website you choose.


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