List of Banks for Payment of UEW Regular and Distance Fees 2024/2025

The University of Education Winneda (UEW) has reviewed the list of banks for payment of school fees for both regular and distance students for the 2021/2022 academic year.

The University Community, as well as the Students (both Fresh and Continuing students), are hereby informed that below is the list of Receiving Banks approved for the payment of Regular and Distance fees for the 2021-2022 Academic Year:


  1. Gcb Bank Ltd
  2. Adb Bank Ltd
  3. Zenith Bank Ghana Ltd
  4. Consolidated Bank Gh Ltd (Cbg)
  5. National Investement Bank Ltd
  6. Prudential Bank Ltd
  7. Mobile Money All Network (*887*50#)
  8. Republic Bank Gh. Ltd


  1. Gcb Bank Ltd
  2. Mobile Money All Networks (*887*50#)
  3. Zeneth Bank Ltd

College of Distance and E-Learning (CoDEL)

  1. Gcb Bank Ltd
  2. Mobile Money All Network(*887*50#)
  3. Zenth Bank Ltd
  4. Consolidated Bank Gh Ltd(Cbg)
  5. National Investment Bank Ltd
  6. Republic Bank Gh Ltd


  1. All students of the University of Education, Winneba are required to pay their fees through TRANSFLOW at any branch of the banks indicated against their respective campuses.
  2. When paying, students should inform the Bank Teller that they are using the TRANSFLOW to pay the University of Education, Winneba fees.
  3. Students who fail to pay all fees cannot register. Continuing students are advised to visit their portals in the OSIS to know their full fees.
  4. Students are advised to abide by these payment arrangements so as to avoid any problems that might be related to non-compliance.

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