Law School Exams: Parliament Orders GLC to Reduce Re-marking Fees

The Parliament of Ghana has ordered the General Legal Council (GLC) to reduce the re-marking fee of the Ghana School of Law from the current figure of GHS 3,000 to GHS 500.

Parliament has also directed the GLC to re-open the window for re-marking to enable students who could not apply for the re-marking to do so.

This follows parliament’s Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee’s (CLPAC) report on a petition by professional Law students.

The students, in the said petition sought a review of the results of the 2017/2018 examination.

Adom News parliamentary correspondent has reported from parliament that the chairman of CLPAC, Ben Abdallah Banda said as part of its directive that the GLC must also make marking schemes and examiners’ reports available to students and lecturers of the GSL.

Listen to Mr Banda deliver the committee’s report in the attached audio below.

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