
KTU Re-Sit Examination Schedule 2019/2020 Academic Year

Koforidua Technical University (KTU) re-sit examination schedule for the 2018/2019 academic year has been announced.


The management of the Koforidua Technical University (KTU) has released the schedule of activities leading to re-sit examination for the 2018/2019 academic year.

KTU Re-Sit Examination Schedule

Management has approved the following schedule of activities leading to the re-sit examination for the 2018/2019 academic year;

1.      Resit Examinations (2018/2019 Academic Year)13th – 25th August, 2019
2.      Reporting (Freshers)26th August, 2019
3.      Orientation (Freshers)26th – 30th August, 2
4.      Reporting – Weekend (Freshers)30th August, 2019
5.      Registration – Weekend (Freshers)30th Aug. -1st Sept, 2019 &
6th – 8th Sept., 2019
6.      Orientation- Weekend (Freshers)31st August, 2019
7.      Reopening – Continuing Students (All Programs)2nd September, 2019
8.      Registration – Continuing Students (All Programmes)2nd – 13th Sept., 2019
9.      Registration (Freshers)2nd – 13th Sept., 2019
10. Lectures Begin (All programmes)2nd September, 2019
11. Reopening – Continuing Students (Weekend) All Programmes6th September, 2019
12. Registration – Weekend (Continuing Students)6th – 8th Sep. & 13th –
15th Sept., 2019
13.  Lectures Begin- Weekend    (Freshers and Continuing Students)6th September, 2019



NB:  Payment of Fees & Course Registration

  1. Freshers shall make full payment of fees prior to registration of courses.
  2. Continuing students can make at least 50% payment of their fees in the 1st Semester prior to the registration of courses. The remaining 50% of the fees shall be paid at the beginning of the 2ndSemester before the registration of courses.

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