Call for Applications for 6th KNUST Research Fund (KFeF) 2020


The Office of Grants and Research (OGR) is pleased to announce the 6th Call for Research Proposals for funding support from the KNUST Research Fund (KReF).

The KNUST Research Fund has been established to enhance applied, problem-solving, interdisciplinary research for the socio-economic development of Ghana and Africa. Applicants are therefore required to conceive and develop interdisciplinary research projects in partnership with external stakeholders, especially industry, to help solve relevant problems of Ghana. Such concepts should produce readily implementable outputs for the economic and human development of Ghana and Africa.


Award Categories

Two types of awards will be made under this call. These are:

  1. Seed Grants: This is for small pilot or exploratory research projects focusing on exploring the feasibility of new research approaches, allowing investigators to collect preliminary data to subsequently develop major grant applications, or completing short-term research studies. Funding for these proposals shall be up to GH¢ 15,000 per award.
  2. Interdisciplinary Grants: This is for interdisciplinary research projects that specifically address a national developmental issue and are also capable of shaping or influencing policy and practice in Ghana. The Principal Investigator will be required to lead a team of researchers from at least three different disciplines. Funding for these proposals shall be up to GH¢ 45,000 per award.

Award Period

Each award will be for a period of one year. This applies to both seed and interdisciplinary grants.

KNUST Research Fund Eligibility

Each research project must be led by a lead researcher (Principal Investigator) who must be a staff of KNUST. Principal Investigators of KReF grants whose work is on-going, as well as those who have received KReF grants within the past four cycles are not eligible to apply.

Application Information and Process

Applicants must use the attached application form. Applicants are also required to read the attached KNUST Research Fund (KReF) Application Framework for guidelines and further information regarding this call. Conformance to the Framework is required and will be strictly enforced.

Review Information

All applications will be independently reviewed and a Scientific Review Committee will select awardees. The criteria that will be used in assessing applications are outlined in the KReF Framework.

Submission Process

Applicants must login to the portal at: using their KNUST credentials. A new submission has to be started and the necessary sections completed. No submission will be received after the deadline. Only electronic submissions received by the deadline will be accepted for review.


The deadline for submission of applications is Monday, 30th September, 2020 at 12 noon.

Contact Information

For further enquiries, contact:

Mr. Edward Abeku Ampah

[email protected] or [email protected]


Ms. Hannah Yeboah-Appiah

[email protected] or [email protected]


Mr. Richard Yaw Ansah


[email protected]



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