
International Justice Mission Job 2017

International Justice Mission Job 2017

International Justice Mission (IJM) is seeking a proven leader to lead IJM’s fight in Ghana against forced labor trafficking of children in the fishing industry on Lake Volta. In close collaboration and partnership with the Ghanaian government, the Field Office Director (FOD) will build and lead the IJM team’s Justice System Transformation project to rescue and restore victims of forced labor trafficking and related crimes, to bring the criminals to justice and eradicate this crime against children through improved public justice system performance.


Job Description

Job Title: Feild Office Director

This position is based in Accra, Ghana and reports to the Vice President of Regional Operations, Africa.



Attain Justice System Transformation

Lead and manage the design and successful implementation of a cooperative plan to transform key pillars of the Ghanaian public justice system so that the justice system provides accessible and sustainable protection of law to victims of forced labor trafficking;

Secure, through networking and advocacy, the requisite demand, political will, endorsement and resources from key government and non-government partners, stakeholders and donors for the implementation of the cooperative plan to accomplish Justice System Transformation;

Design and implement rigorous systems and processes for effective monitoring, evaluation and reporting of IJM Ghana’s Justice System Transformation activities and programming; and

Effectively represent and leverage IJM Ghana’s programs and results to key constituents and stakeholders for thought leadership and increased investment in Justice System Transformation.

Achieve Collaborative Casework Objectives

Lead and manage IJM-assisted casework interventions to ensure that clients are protected from forced labor trafficking and that perpetrators of such abuse are held accountable under law;

Build relationships of mutual trust and benefit with key government and non-government actors to ensure holistic care and protection of IJM clients consistent with the law and best practices;

Design, implement, monitor and evaluate strategies and best practices for effective IJM-assisted intervention on behalf of clients; and

Design and implement rigorous systems for effective monitoring, evaluation and reporting of IJM Ghana’s collaborative casework activities and programming.

Develop National Leaders

Recruit, train and lead a highly effective, resilient and cohesive team of result-oriented justice professionals;

Serve as a model of servant leadership and IJM’s operational values for IJM staff;

Develop and execute a 3-5 year succession plan for the Field Office Director and all Head of Department positions;

Develop, monitor and evaluate concrete performance and leadership development objectives for all IJM staff; and

Provide regular feedback and evaluation to IJM staff regarding their performance and leadership development;

Ensure that FO staff, interns and fellows have clearly defined job descriptions and performance objectives, their performance is monitored, and that appropriate job performance feedback is regularly provided; and

Ensure the security of all operations and IJM staff, interns, fellows and volunteers, maintaining compliance with IJM’s security policies and reporting to IJM Headquarters on security matters as they develop.

Ensure Stewardship of IJM Resources

Develop strategic plans and budgets;


Ensure spending of allocated funds in accordance with IJM’s budgetary and stewardship principles and policies; and

Ensure compliance with all relevant laws, IJM policies and best practices.

Spiritual Leadership

Foster a culture of spiritual health and integrity by setting an example of mature, authentic Christian discipleship; and

Continually lead and encourage Field Office staff to prioritize their own spiritual formation and Christian discipleship as they engage in the work of justice.


Minimum of five years successfully leading teams to achieve aggressive objectives in challenging environments with excellent outcomes;

Proven ability to serve as a spiritual leader and mentor;

Proven ability to lead cross-culturally to achieve significant outcomes and impact;

Proven ability to develop and implement effective leadership development and succession plans;

Graduate degree – JD, MBA or Master’s in International Development;

Strong research, writing and verbal communication skills;

Effective networker with key stakeholders necessary to accomplish significant objectives;

Demonstrated ability to appropriately handle stress and conflict; and

Demonstrated interest in human rights and social justice.

Critical Qualities

Mature orthodox Christian faith as defined by the Apostles’ Creed;

Courageous, confident, humble and servant leadership;

Sound and disciplined in judgment and problem solving;

Rigorously result-oriented;

Resilient; persevering in joy through challenge and failure; and

Able to achieve challenging goals in a cross-cultural setting.

Relocation/Travel Requirements

This position requires full-time residence in Accra, Ghana and periodic travel to other parts of the Africa region and the United States.

How to Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should CLICK HERE to apply.


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